We went to see Adam Ant at the indigo2
Jo - I haven't weighed in yet, it's been a couple of weeks. I was avoiding the scaled after my holiday and then when I was back on track I ended up having the OTHER slip up last week with the meal, so I am holding out till Sunday!
When you say you failed with conso, how did you restart?
I am so much more comfortable with the control on cruise.
It may have been a bit more difficult because I don't have the dairy so I don't have anything sweet all week apart from the galette, and then when it comes to the weekend I guess I may have made up for a sweet-free week a little too much with the celebration dessert(s)!
I wonder if it would help if I tried upping the oatbran on occasions as I don't have any milk/yoghurts etc. so I wouldn't be entirely 'sweet-deprived' (how desperate does that sound?!?!?) when it comes to the end of the week? Again I am just pondering and realising I sound like an addict!
Thanks again for reading and if this helps anyone gain insight themselves you are very welcome!
Ooh, lucky

. Adam Ant was my first love (when I was about 10) and I make husband sit through his videos on youtube. He doesn't get the attraction for the music or the man.
Sorry that you're struggling a bit, BE. The conso stage affects people differently but hopefully by juggling things you'll find what works well long-term for you.
Maybe the PCOS is making the bloating worse? I don't know if that could be a side-effect? I do get bloating (still) when I overdo carbs, especially bread but don't get bloated with pulses or wholegrains (but then, I mainly have them when I'm cooking, so I control portions more easily too), it's definitely the refined flour that does it for me. I have gone off pasta and wonder if I'm rejecting it because I know that it will make me feel uncomfortable. What I do is have carbs little and often (most days), I never have a whole portion as Dr D recommends - I'll have a tablespoonful of green lentils for ex, rather than having 200gr of pasta - a small amount fills me up a lot more than a huge plateful used to do!
For sweet cravings (still have them but less than before) custard is good for me - I have less than 100 ml if you're worried about the milk intake and that's plenty (hate jelly though). Or rhubarb, or both rhubarb and custard - mainly on boring, white PP days though!
I haven't had huge weight fluctuations (yet) but I have juggled things about for my own comfort. Bread bloated me, so I had rice cakes every other day or sometimes more often instead and will have rice cakes still, or wasa (which is like ryvita).
When I don't have anything 'social' at the weekend, I do 2 x PV (one with cheese or fruit) instead of a PP day, keeping PP for weeks when I've had a gala meal or 3.
As for the weight gain, could be a lot of water and not much real weight gain. I always weighed after a PP day (even on cruise) so I never got the added water weight. Try a weigh-in again after PP day, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Best of luck, BE, hope you can find something that is doable for you while stabilising your weight.