Cruising for Eternity

Thanks for the responses again :)

Well it's not the fast weightloss particularly, just a move from this plateau, again -I had hoped it may help to kickstart a loss; not a significant attack-style loss but just to get me moving.

The hormones are just for a few months to start with, my check up is September... GP is suggesting not to push it as I suffered with the side effects all for apparently little reason!

I only bought my book last year (as the first UK edition) and it is specified in there as the best rhythm, I didn't realise it was out of date at the time of printing then.

I wonder about the updates to the book and the diet. I know that you Jo have commented on the vast differences inbetween the UK and the French versions. I noticed in the serialised Dukan Holiday Plan in the Daily Mail this week that some of the rules are more relaxed than I am used to - meat at 10% fat and custard powder and fruit squash bear little resemblance to the diet I have been adhering to!

So, the question I have about that is that if you're a purist, an early adopter, you stick by the original rules of the old book. So, following that, you would surely not heed the updates and revisions of the book... So where do we pick and choose which rules of which edition/year/revision to follow; how can you decide which is 'more' right?
I think it becomes personal choice. For example in the book it talks about having the fruit yoghurts but limit that to 2 a day but then goes on to say about not having them as it may impact on the weight loss. I choose to not have them from the start, along with the Muller light things (3 times as a treat). The wheat is another tolerated item that others have all the time, I choose not to have at all. I went with no tolerated items BUT then I did not have much weight to loose AND I was not going to have to do the diet for long if I stuck to it. Those that have a lot to loose may need the tolerated items to keep going on it. Personal choice really.

I also think all our bodies are different and what will affect one person will not affect others. With you having so little left to go before you reach your goal you may find you have to be really, really strict but then again if the hormones are playing havoc you may be fighting a loosing (no pun intended) battle. I guess only time will tell.

Good luck anyway, I understand you have a goal you want to reach :)

I just managed to whittle away down to the last 4lbs but I'm not sure what is left to go now... probably a bit more but I hope within that spectrum still (since last week, anyway).

Again, I know that my goal my look low to some but I know for me, given my maintenance of it in the past, it isn't too low - I am sure if anyone here saw me they would agree I still have a bit to lose.

Personally regarding the rules and changes I agree, it is what suits you individually. I guess I learnt a lot since starting the diet about how different foods work for me. I was only intending on trying the 5/5 for a couple of weeks to see if it ultimately could kick off a loss as I have just got to a sticking point again.

I don't have any dairy (I wish I could - tried it a couple of weeks ago, bad reaction) and am avoiding carbonated drinks (citric acid) so aside from the odd extra tablespoon of oatbran, I'm pretty strict anyway - I just wondered if it might give me a boost. That and some more exercise, I suppose wouldn't go amiss!

Thanks again for the responses :)
Have you read the bits about being cold, taking cold showers etc. Might help. More exercise won't hurt (well it might :)) and may just give you the boost you need.
Hi Brownie. Try creating your own diary. It's fun. I forgot whose post it is, but she said that having your own diary here is a lotta fun! you can say whatever it is that you feel and you can also track your own progress.
Hi Brownie. Try creating your own diary. It's fun. I forgot whose post it is, but she said that having your own diary here is a lotta fun! you can say whatever it is that you feel and you can also track your own progress.

:lost: This is her diary.

Hope things are going okay.
Well it's been a good 6 weeks since I've been on here and thanks for the last couple of responses guys :)

UNFORTUNATELY my attempt into conso failed miserably again - it may be a little unfair to say it's the fault of the conso though, the real fault is the celebration aspect and my tendencies with that.

I don't know how much I have regained but suffice to say I am way over my goal and must weigh as much as I did a year ago (so before anyone starts waving their 'you need to aim at a higher goal' finger at me, I am well above a reasonable high goal).

So I have been cruising for the past 2 weeks (sticking mainly to fish) but I don't think it's working :(

I don't know why I have developed this insatiable greed when I had celebration meals though - I have never been a binge eater but this diet seems to have brought out the worst in me!

To be fair I am having a lot of issues with not being able to eat certain foods and have been referred on to a gastroenterologist, but I don't want to use that as an excuse when I know that may be accountable for a little of my problems, the majority of it is my own fault!


B: Kipper fillet with spinach
L: Chicken breast with spinach
D: Grilled chicken with peppers, mushroom, squash and courgette

S: 2tbsp Oatbran galette

<keeping all fingers firmly on the keys...>

BE - welcome to my world. That's all I can say...

Good luck with whatever you decide!
Yay thank you!

Seriously I think I have regained a stone or something which would make me like 10st+ which is way over my reasonable target, the weight I reached, Dukan's suggested weight, a weight I easily maintained - everything!

I love cakes :(

Conversely, I love eating Cruise style too, I feel somehow like I am purfying and detoxing.
Cruise gives me "control" which I lose as soon as I let go of the ketosis crutch and am left to my own devices.

In some ways, I regret ever discovering the Dukan diet as, like you, the Cruise way of eating suits me down to the ground yet I can hardly use it as a plan for life!

I've been out of ketosis now since oooh mid July. Not daring Conso, but wavering on some form of "stabilisation" which seems to suit me better as I couldn't care two figs about the Conso daily additions.

"Stabilisation" at a higher weight than I'd like, granted... and I'm on holiday from tonight for 10 days which fills me with dread from a weight perspective!

Well try to enjoy yourself :) I went on holiday last year when I was initially on Cruise, and it seemed to fly by easily on PP/PV - cold roast chicken and salad!

It was a lot easier than my holiday this year, or even being invited for a meal at a friends house (which happened a couple of weeks ago) where I somehow managed to clear the table - and yes, that is of food, and not just as a polite house guest.

I do agree about the Conso daily additions - apart from the fruit, which was a bonus, the other additions didn't really register for me. Your issues with the DD seem very similar to mine.

Pondering why I have so much trouble (at least over the past few months, to start with it was fine) with keeping control during celebration meals... I have never been an over-eater, but thinking about it, one main selling point of the Dukan diet is that you can eat as much as you like and not go hungry... so all week I can eat unlimited protein and virtually limitless vegetables, but then when it's celebration meal time - suddenly summon an ability to only eat a restricted small portion? Of exactly what I've been dying to eat? Forgive me, but fat chance! I guess that's maybe where it's playing havoc with me - to-ing and fro-ing like that has been hard to keep in check.

So in short I think I will have to modify my daily meals so I DO restrict protein portions - to the sort of diet I used to maintain where I never ate a lot - just too much of what I ate was the wrong thing.


ANYWAY, I braved the scales today - my last weigh-in was July, directly after my last update here, where I had gained 4lbs after 2PP days and was supremely annoyed.

So, after 2 weeks back on cruise: 9st 11lb. So, 7lbs higher than my last official weigh-in, and 11lbs off target. Right now I'd be happy with 9st 4lbs again!!!!!


B: Kipper fillet
L: Cold roast chicken breast and ham
D: Mixed fish platter - smoked haddock fillet, salmon fillet, prawns, tiny piece of cod
S: Galette

Exercise: Power yoga and a decent walk.

Sorry its not going well.

Could you be happy with 9st4? Could you be happy a bit higher for now, and then having another push at it?

I couldnt seem to lose consistently on cruise anymore either and Ive another 50lbs to lose, I gain 4lbs for tom, lose them over the next 2 weeks(and feel like all is good), stay the same a week then gain again. So back to atkins to see if higher cals will stop me from starvation mode and kick things off a bit.....

How are things going hormonally? Do you think that is helping create your binge head?
i wanted 9 st but my body just wont go there 10 st is where it wants to be

im like you though if im let loose on food i can clear a table faster than a plague of locusts and my appitite outstretches my OH whos not little its embarrassing at times im on cruise with a touch of conso for ever at this rate as i can get away with eating loads of the "allowed foods "
It's unfortunate that a few of us old timers have ended up in this position!!

The images of those tables being cleared of food are amusing but oh so true. I like nothing better than being left to my own devices to EAT (intentional capitals).

It's easy to think one has changes one's bad habits when in Cruise but then, once back in real life, the old issues are still there... waiting for us!

How long did you manage Conso without regaining BE? I thought you regained immediately (but I could be confusing you with someone else).
Oh Brownie, I do sympathise! I find that just a little off course is like trying to hold the door shut against sand, it oozes through like my diminishing determination. On my six hour drive from Yorkshire, as well as my prepared DD food I ate crisps. And chocolate.
Thanks for the responses :)

Jaqys - I think, NOW, looking back at it, I would accept the size I was at at 9st 4. I definitely was happy at 9st (I was down to 8st10lb for a while, which felt great, but I knew was too low) but 9.4 has often been a plateau weight for me, so perhaps that does suggest it's now more of a realistic weight.
I do think the hormonal issues are making a difference because I am all over the place, but I don't want to use it as an excuse - although it would help account for a lot!

Jo - yes you remembered correctly, I did struggle a lot with conso to start with, but generally stayed within a boundary of 5lbs I think - it bothered me a lot at the time but I would now accept it, too soon into Conso I messed up when I was on holiday.

scrumper - I really am erring towards Cruise with a touch of Conso too. I really think I am going to try to not just eat as much protein as I feel like either, the introduction of limitless meals, thinking about it now, densely enough, is too unnatural to try to manage. For me, my highest high weight is should still not be so high that I have to aim higher. I'd like to think I wouldn't want to consign myself to forever being bigger. I am not too old (I don't think) to be in a decent shape. I hope.

Topaz - tell me about it. Aside from my love of baking, this little lot (thanks US-family)...


...had a hand in my downfall :eek:


B: Kipper fillet
L: Grilled salmon fillet, a couple of pieces of ham
D: Indian-spiced chicken
S: Galette

Exercise: Power yoga, short walk

B: Salmon Fillet with spinach
L: Chicken breast with mushroom salad
D: Roast Chicken with Vegetables (tried to stick to green - beans and broccoli with carrots) and roast vegetable gravy

S: Oatbran cake with a little sauce made from milk powder

Exercise: Super long walk

B: Kipper fillet and spinach
L: Roast chicken and salad
D: Grilled turkey in red pepper sauce with courgette and spinach
S: Oatbran galette made with milk powder

Exercise: Short power yoga and decent walk.