Oh dear, well that was a failure! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting an absolute spaghetti / pasta replica but that was just a total let down. The only likeness was that it was long strings in appearance.
I am generally quite good at mind over matter when it comes to teaching myself to like certain foods it it would be beneficial but I can't see that I am ever going to convince myself on this one...it was like eating slimey, wet, jellied tentacles.
To give them some flavour I mixed the bolognese into it and let it stand for a while to let the flavours infuse but that seemed impossible on account of the noodles being mostly water content so already completely saturated.
Initially I thought it must have been the way I prepared them maybe going a little wrong but I googled it and id all which other consumers seemingly had done.
I just don't think this one is for me but at least I know I gave it go