Well, it all went to pot yesterday

I went out with some friends and I decided to allow myself something, so I asked for a non alcoholic beer. I know I'm not supposed to have it, but I thought: oh just this one.
It wasn't until I downed the entire pint, that I noticed it wasn't non alcoholic!
And I'm a lousy drunk anyway, but because of this diet I just got wasted!
I got home, and pretty much just passed out on my bed.
So today, I feel incredibly hungover and just starving all the time!
So at lunch today, I couldn't resist and I had chicken curry with rice

The problem is, that at work we get free lunch. And on my PV days, I just go straight for the salad bar and just have salad with tuna.
And on my PP days I eat at my desk, the stuff I brought in myself.
But today I couldn't stop myself. I was just starving :cry::cry:
Better luck tomorrow!