CuddlePaws - Just you wait and see!

My body is being very strange and surprising me all the time. I've been naughty most of the week, and at times I thought I was losing it altogether. I've had banoffi pie at one restaurant, a whippy ice cream the next day, a pizza the following day and my portion sizes were increasing a bit this week too (according to hubby who nearly got a whack around the head for even dare mentioning!!)

So yes, i've been aware of it the whole time, but sort of telling myself that it doesnt matter because I am exercising, (which I haven't done much of either) and so I was kinda going into denial about sliding down, and somewhere in my head alot of shouting was going on, but i ignored it anyway and ate! STILL telling myself I was on track.

Last night just before my weigh in this morning, I was berating myself in my head and thought I would be up by about 5lbs AT LEAST this morning. Even hubby said, don't be too upset about a little increase this I am SHOCKED to see i've lost a pound and I think that seeing that made me realise just how far ive come and that I would really be gutted if it all went wrong now. I have struggled so hard, exercised so damn much, and come SO FAR.

I've decided to set a new goal now, and I aim to lose another stone by June 15th!! Thats the day my husband and I have booked to take our little one to Disneyland Paris. It will be hot and there is alot of walking involved, but I would like to wear some decent clothes and not baggy tents. Lets hope I can achieve this, and Im going to really put in some extra effort with the wii fit again too!
CP, it just goes to show that you can have a minor set back without everything going wring and thinking you have failed and just stop dieting all together. You are doing really well and I think you will get another stone off by June and probably more.
Crikey CP - you are doing so well, it's amazing. You just keep going and the results keep coming. I will be looking to you for some inspiration when I get back!

So, for now, keep going and I will see you in a few weeks.

wow you are doing really well! I havent been on this forum for a few weeks so I'm glad to see that you are still posting and the title of your diary is TRUE!

I will wait and see!
Thank you for the support ladies! I know it looks like i'm doing well but I have been struggling more than usual now that the summer days are almost in and beckoning food (such as ice-cream!) surrounds me! :help2:

Well, If i'm honest with myself I've been procrastinating quite alot since last time I posted. I weighed myself this morning and have found myself a pound higher than my lowest weigh in so far, which I think is NOT a bad deal considering I have been eating at least one meal out almost every day including quite a few deserts. I can only say that I must be more active walking around because I fully can't understand why I am not at least 1/2 a stone higher by now!

Anyway after a large burger king meal last night (why oh why? I've always hated them!!) I've decided to pull the reins TODAY. Woke up with tummy ache, greasy skin and that general 'yeurghh I feel rubbish' feeling. The one you have when your not paying attention to your diet for a while!

I've been slipping slowly but I don't want everything to turn around completely and I end up back where I started. So with any luck and a bit of courage I will be posting back here in a few days to say I've got myself back in the zone before my trip to eurodisney next month! I'm off to a salsa class tonight for the first time so that should help boost the exercise again anyway!

New Mantra - Be strong, have faith, you can do it!! :p
1lb off this week. Slow but steady! I started a salsa class last night just to inject some variation into my exercise, gotten so bored of the wii fit by now! It was fab and i sweated like mad for 2 hours and had great fun at the same time, didn't at all feel like hard work. I will try and keep that up! Definitely feeling a little more positive about my stamina than last week! I only wish the scales wouldnt fluctuate so damn much!
Thank you Maria! x It's a constant struggle, but so worth it at the end.

Well, I'm 2lbs down this week, but not suprisingly as I kickstarted the week by joining a gym and getting into some serious training, as well as Salsa classes on a wednesday it means I'm back in the fitness zone! :D

Hopefully a little more weight might disappear by 'official' Thursday weigh in, but things are on the up right now, so I hope it continues and those digits start moving down again!
Just checking in CP - crikey, you have done so well. You are an absolute little star-33lbs gone forever. Keep going, you are fantastic!

My 'Cuddle Paws' are slimming again!

Ok It took me a while to summon up some courage and walk into here with my head hung low!:break_diet:

Sort of lost the plot somewhere after the last post in May, and ate myself into an oblivion. I could blame it on family problems and stress, but couldn't we all find something to blame it on?

Well, the last thing I remember is standing on the scales recently in an effort to redeem my senses, and seeing that I'd gained roughly a stone back after losing 36 lbs since Jan! Aggghhh

So here I am about to try again before I put it all back on (plus more) and then I'll end up just going insane! So here's to kicking off the extra pounds and hopefully losing an extra one by Christmas. That would be a great start to 2010!

Hopefully I can do it this time :eek:
Half of the problem with dieting is, trying to STOP thinking about food and dieting and just get on with life. It's so easy for it to turn into a silly obsession where everything is written down, mulled over, analysed to death....takes a lot of energy that! Hopefully that culminates into calories lost then! :)

Not doing badly this week, but feeling very hungry in the evenings even after my full daily cal allowance. Three decent healthy meals with a couple of snacks inbetween means that I shouldn't really be having the munchies at 9 or 10pm!

Roll on tomorrow morning for the moment of truth. Finding it hard to motivate myself to exercise too, am working on it though.
Yay, I find weekends difficult as the family all go out and eat lunch together etc.. daunting work trying to pick at a salad whilst seeing everyone else enjoying high cal treats. Nevertheless, determination must be switched on high as the day went pretty well. Caesar salad for lunch followed by a coffee, no desserts! Just had my tea of a small bowl of pasta with mixed veg and a low fat trifle treat.

Managed six laps in the pool too (yes its a long pool designed for that, lol) not six laps round the kiddies pool hehe. So fingers crossed there is a loss tomorrow. Roll on the weigh in. :eek:
Hows it going CP? You sound well and truly back in the zone.

Thanks for stopping by Barb. I'm fiercely determined at the moment, tired of backtracking and going over old habits again and again. It's tedious! Really desperate to see results now and so I'm going to give it my all from now on. 4lbs off last week and really hoping I can shift another 1 or 2 off this week.

Still feeling really positive (mostly) about all things food related. Struggling a bit with the calorie counting side of things a bit though, due to the fact that I eat out alot!

Trying to choose healthier choices like steak and veg or chicken caesar salads as opposed to heavy pizzas and pasta. I hope that works out for me! Decided to swap desserts for a plain white coffee with sweetener which is bound to make a difference in the long run and when I need a sweet fix, I keep those sugar free sweets in my handbag.

Now my diet mostly consists of cereal, wholemeal bread, fish, veg, fruit, chicken and low fat yoghurts on rotation throughout the week. Really getting into lovely baked salmon with those steam veggies in a bag or salads or rice. It's amazing just how much healthy food there is out there, which we just overlook in favour of fatty stuff!

Yay I got the wii fit out yesterday and had a little stampede on it last night too. Will try some more of that until I have the urge to go to the gym! :eek:

Well roll on the weekend, my most difficult two days! Go Me! :)

Felt particularly energyless today, like I need a boost of something! I am taking extra vits so I shouldn't be really but I think its possibly the start of a cold or a mild viral thing.. the kind where your not really sick but you aren't feeling 100% either.. annoying.

Well when I'm feeling off I usually cheer myself up with pizza or takeaways, or chocolate and crisps. But no way am I going to sabotage my diet now!! Intake for today is:

Breakfast: readybrek with semi skimmed milk

Lunch: chicken sandwich and really light ribena (morrisons cafeteria)

Snack: 1 glass orange juice

Dinner: home made burger (fried in that light spray) in a bun
Mixed salad
Weightwatcher oven chips
low fat yoghurt

Didn't really count the cals, but I figure sticking to the basic three meals a day and 1 or 2 snacks (and choosing healthier options where possible) should make all the difference. Just need to get my a%% in gear and get moving a bit more really. Still, hoping there'll be a couple of pounds off on monday!