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It's hard to point you to a link on NLP BG, without finding something that either wants to flog you a book, that is full of jargon or that is a bit weird. Essentially, it's about finding and listening to your 'healthy' inner voice. The bit of me that puts me down for being larger than average; or tells me I dont deserve to be thin/successful/confident or whatever. When you go to a good practitioner (most give a free intro session to try it before committing), they get you to close your eyes, breathe slowly for a few mins and then starting at the tip of your toes think about and relax each fibre of your body from your feet to your scalp until you are fully relaxed. Then, they get you to envisage yourself in your mind, looking great; not unnaturally great (like Toots' ass!) but as you really look in a favourite photo. Concentrate on that image in your mind's eye. Look at the clothes you wear, your hair, your skin, your face. Put yourself back there. Add a surrounding scene that is real to you but focus on you. No one else. NLP works on the premise that this image is achieveable and that you can be that person again. It involves much more than this brief snippet BG, but if you google it you might be put off. Clearly, I'm no expert (!) but now that I'm on the path, I'm using the techniques I was taught as they put me back in that state of hearing MY OWN inner voice. The one that is drowned out by acres of blubber and my own baggage. :sigh: