Really am useless with this computer wanted to do little dancing people for you but dont know how to lol. But seriously congragulations my dear you so deserve your goal you have been such a support and inspiration to everyone xxxxx
Hello ........
thanks girlies for all your messages they mean so much.....
I have had a really busy day today...... feel really tired............ started earlier this morning..First things first jumped on my NEW SCALES and still I have hit my goal...... yippppppeeeee.. then call to cambridge to place another order........... Making cakes with the kids...... that was at 9am.......... and then busy busy from then onwards.
Put kids to bed. had a client come round.......... and did not sit down till 9.30pm by which time cant face having dinner so just had a tetra......
I am now on the cd website.... and I had my first call tonight from the website..... it was someone that was living to far away not quite sure how she found me anyway . that was strange!!!!
Night night will catch up tomorrow my eyes are closing x
Up bright and early to make a change another busy day...... Off to get my nails and feet done soon..... Yayyyyy Rich is here today.. so he is having the boys why I have a couple of hours to myself....... a rare opportunity....... Off to the farm this afternoon with 4 of my oldest girl friends and there kiddies........ 10 kids altogether... should be fun!!!
Loving the 1000 plan just had my museli & 1/2 a bananna scales are still the same........... which Im loving 9 st 7 woooooooooh........ Here I come 8s............ i will be in the 8's by my hols I will I will I will....... !!!!!!!
Really happy as one of my clients last so desperate to lose a big amount of weight and I am soooooo wanting to see her lose it.. and to be there every step of the way..... Im off to send her a message...
Ooohhh some me time for you today you lucky lady!!! Hope you have a lovely day my dear. Must be dead nice having your own clients you can get all excited as they start losing weight too what a buzz xxxx
Hey Curly - well done! (I'm envious - if it wasn't for my *%$@~*!! hairloss, I'd still be heading down to 10½ stone! )
You've actually done much better than me - considering we started around the same time, to lose five stone during that period is absolutely fantastic! (I'm a slacker really, lol! ) I keep wondering whether I should be losing any more weight - other people seem to have got down to size 8/10, whereas I'm still at 12/14. But then I never was an 8/10 so perhaps I shouldn't worry about it? I think I'm destined to be more of a Nigella than a Posh (although Nigella has hips, which I can only dream about! )...