Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Bron said:
]Addibelle 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (Su) (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (0lbs lost-18 to go)
Bron (Mon)14lbs ( 5.5 lost ~13.5 to go)
Eyden-Hainsworth (Mon)14lb (0lb lost - 14 to go)
Fat&40 (Wed) 17lbs (0.5lbs lost - 16.5 to go)
JackieN (0 lost - 7lb to go)
Harebell Fairy (Tu) 14lbs (-5lbs lost - 19 lbs to go)
Jo-85 (tue) 14lb (+6.5 lost ~ 20.5 to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (Tu)(+4lbs lost ~ 24lb to go)
LittleFlutterby (Tu) 20lb (9.5lb lost ~ 10.5lb to go)
Lollypop1985 (Th) 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
LSF666 (Th) 10lb (1.5lb lost ~ 8.5lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia (Th) 14lbs (-0.5lb lost ~ 14.5lbs to go)
TanyaLiepins 14lb (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)
Shenzi (Th) 14lbs (6lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
SugarPlum (Sa) 14lb (4lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)

Fantastic bron. Well done x
Wow Bron!!!

WELL DONE... That's an amazing loss!! :)

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Morning Curvys,

Hope we have all had good weekend & are raring to go!!

I want another good loss this week, so I really need to angel Mon til Sat morning!!


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Morning everyone, everyone is doing really well and Jo, dont worry about your WI, once it's done it's done :)

I still have a flare up of my IBS havent had one for about a year like this so I cant do the diet properly at the mo as I cant eat alot off stuff but must be losing weight!

Will try some porrage later if things have settled a bit.

Love to all and happy Monday!
Wow Bron thats Fab :) Well Done
Lucia just concentrate on getting better poor girlie IBS is no fun
Cinta you Can do it
Tanya you will get to your 7 stone loss just stay away from the chocolate from now on :)

Katie is it today you join your group, if it is good luck x
It is today Lucia at 5 .15 and I cant wait as even though I know I have gained loads since the last time I weighed myself its the last time I am going to see that number EVER this time :)

If anyone wants to add me on FB my name is Katie Eyden-Hainsworth

LittleFlutterby said:
fuuuuuuuuu i feel so terrible right now :(

i need to stay out of the kitchen...and the back room.

I went in the kitchen, had 2 ryvita, with a tonne of philly light, a hifi light bar, then went on the search for choccies...i had 3 terry's segments, a chocolate biscuit, a square of dark choc and a little white choc cookie

and now i feel guilty as hell :(

why do i do it??? i really wanted to get my 7 stone award this week, i doubt very much that i'll be getting it!!
No guilt. It's just life. It happens. Draw that line and do 100% until WI x
You'll get your award :)
Bron said:
Good morning

I have lost 5.5 which means my Christmas gain is gone!

Have a good day all

Well done. That's amazing :)

Lucia Lucia said:
Morning everyone, everyone is doing really well and Jo, dont worry about your WI, once it's done it's done :)

I still have a flare up of my IBS havent had one for about a year like this so I cant do the diet properly at the mo as I cant eat alot off stuff but must be losing weight!

Will try some porrage later if things have settled a bit.

Love to all and happy Monday!
Hope you feel better soon but I agree - it will have aided your weight loss! Not nice though x

Mrs E-H said:
It is today Lucia at 5 .15 and I cant wait as even though I know I have gained loads since the last time I weighed myself its the last time I am going to see that number EVER this time :)

If anyone wants to add me on FB my name is Katie Eyden-Hainsworth

Good luck at you group today x

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Morning ladies,

Tanya please don't feel guilty it happens to us all just draw a line and get back on it today, hopefully you will get that award this week!

Well done on a fantastic loss bron!

Hope everyone else has a lovely as can be Monday!

Emma xx
Heya, Ive just added the people I can find on facebook.
I dont really use it... ever.
I just use it to see pictures of friends weddings etc and have a few close friends on it.
You wont recognise the name so if you arent sure if its me you can ask me here. The initials are SF, have to be careful just as had some bad things in the past happen that I try to stay away from :)

Aww Tanya, you have done so crazily amazing that 1 little slip up wont hurt. Shows you are just human. We all make mistakes. Youre doing so well, dont let it bring you down.

Bron thats INCREDIBLE! Well done you!

Good luck Katie. Best thing ever is going to group.
Hope you love it xx
Addibelle said:
Mondays can be lovely?! WHAT?! hehehe :D

Mine are normally lovely as i don't work them that often its my Saturday lol xx
Addibelle 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (Su) (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (0lbs lost-18 to go)
Bron (Mon)14lbs ( +5lbs -19 go)
Eyden-Hainsworth (Mon)14lb (0lb lost - 14 to go)
Fat&40 (Wed) 17lbs (0.5lbs lost - 16.5 to go)
JackieN (Mon) (1 lost - 6lb to go)
Harebell Fairy (Tu) 14lbs (-5lbs lost - 19 lbs to go)
Jo-85 (tue) 14lb (+6.5 lost ~ 20.5 to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (Tu)(+4lbs lost ~ 24lb to go)
LittleFlutterby (Tu) 20lb (9.5lb lost ~ 10.5lb to go)
Lollypop1985 (Th) 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
LSF666 (Th) 10lb (1.5lb lost ~ 8.5lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia (Th) 14lbs (-0.5lb lost ~ 14.5lbs to go)
TanyaLiepins 14lb (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)
Shenzi (Th) 14lbs (6lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
SugarPlum (Sa) 14lb (4lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)

1 off for me today :D

well done everyone, I am so behind on this thread :( xxxxx
Hi everyone, Tanya you are doing so well, 1 day off plan isn't going to make a huge dent in your weight loss even if by any silly means you happen to gain...but you did have a very valid reason and those a**holes need to be sorted out, how dare they!!! god people like that make me so angry...I know you will do this babe and we will all be supporting you every step of the way :bighug: xxxxxxx

Bron and Jackie :woohoo: :winner: you are amazing ladies well done :hug99: xxxx
Thank you all for comments

Addibelle said:
Heya, Ive just added the people I can find on facebook.
I dont really use it... ever.
I just use it to see pictures of friends weddings etc and have a few close friends on it.
You wont recognise the name so if you arent sure if its me you can ask me here. The initials are SF, have to be careful just as had some bad things in the past happen that I try to stay away from :)

Aww Tanya, you have done so crazily amazing that 1 little slip up wont hurt. Shows you are just human. We all make mistakes. Youre doing so well, dont let it bring you down.

Bron thats INCREDIBLE! Well done you!

Good luck Katie. Best thing ever is going to group.
Hope you love it xx

Oh no. I think I rejected as I didn't see this first!!!

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Well Girlies I did it I rejoined ;-)

I have gained back almost all of the weight I have lost I am a little annoyed with myself but it was only to be expected with all the junk I have been eating. I am so ecited about releasing this excess weight from my body. (I am not losing it as if I lose it I may find it again haha) I am releasing it and setting it free to sit on someone elses bum tum and thighs and good riddance to it as well lol.
I got my new books and am going to have a good read this evening :)
My new Consultant is lovely she is one of my Sisters old school friends who I always knew as a big girl and now she is a tiny slip of a thing :) So I have every confidence she will be able to help me on my Journey she has lost almost 8 stone.
My training course was soooo dull and I have another 8 weeks of it yawn but as long as it helps me get a good job I dont mind :)xxxx
Well Girlies I did it I rejoined ;-)

I have gained back almost all of the weight I have lost I am a little annoyed with myself but it was only to be expected with all the junk I have been eating. I am so ecited about releasing this excess weight from my body. (I am not losing it as if I lose it I may find it again haha) I am releasing it and setting it free to sit on someone elses bum tum and thighs and good riddance to it as well lol.
I got my new books and am going to have a good read this evening :)
My new Consultant is lovely she is one of my Sisters old school friends who I always knew as a big girl and now she is a tiny slip of a thing :) So I have every confidence she will be able to help me on my Journey she has lost almost 8 stone.
My training course was soooo dull and I have another 8 weeks of it yawn but as long as it helps me get a good job I dont mind :)xxxx
Mrs E-H said:
Well Girlies I did it I rejoined ;-)

I have gained back almost all of the weight I have lost I am a little annoyed with myself but it was only to be expected with all the junk I have been eating. I am so ecited about releasing this excess weight from my body. (I am not losing it as if I lose it I may find it again haha) I am releasing it and setting it free to sit on someone elses bum tum and thighs and good riddance to it as well lol.
I got my new books and am going to have a good read this evening :)
My new Consultant is lovely she is one of my Sisters old school friends who I always knew as a big girl and now she is a tiny slip of a thing :) So I have every confidence she will be able to help me on my Journey she has lost almost 8 stone.
My training course was soooo dull and I have another 8 weeks of it yawn but as long as it helps me get a good job I dont mind :)xxxx

We are all in this together, you are in the right frame of mind, you know you can do it, we all can
Good luck

Well done Katie, you sound like you mean business, well done lovely and I know you'll do just fine .
Good news about the C, must be a confidence booster .
Shame about the course, thought it might be dull they always are lol but it's a means to an end and 8 weeks will fly by :hug99: xxxx
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