Addibelle(Wed-14lbs)-------------------- (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Berry Bee (1st-10lbs)------------------ (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Broadsbean (weds -16lbs)--------------- (0lbs lost ~ 16lbs to go)
Emma_Partington (Thurs - 13.5lbs)------- (-2 lost-15.5 to go)
Ginlin (Tues 4lbs) ----------------------- (0lbs lost - 4lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy (Sat - 8lbs)---------------- (0lbs lost - 4lbs to go)
Jo85 (Tues 10lbs)------------------------ (0lb lost - 10lbs to go)
Lily42uk (Tues 16lbs)--------------------- (-1lbs lost ~ 17lbs to go)
littleflutterby (Tues 16lbs)---------------- (2lb lost ~ 14lbs to go)
LoChan1984 (Tues lb)-------------------- (lb lost ~ lb to go)
Lollypop1985 (Thu 8lb)------------------- (0lb lost ~ 8lb to go)
LSF666 (Sat-6lb) ------------------------ (3lbs lost - 3lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia(Th 14lb ) -------------------- (1.5lbs lost ~12.5lbs to go)
Mrs E-H (Mon 8lb)------------------------ (1lb lost - 7lb to go)
Purple Patsy (Tues-8lb) ------------------ (-5.5lb lost ~ 13.5lb to go)
Shenzi (Thu-10lbs)----------------------- (-2lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
SugarPlum (Fri-16lb)---------------------- (0lb lost - 16lb to go)
Tanya Maria (tue-10 lbs)------------------ (5lbs lost-5lbs to go )
Welshdreamer (wed-lbs)------------------ (lbs lost-lbs to go)
Found the right one Tanya, and have updated your loss for you.. hope u dont mind.
also updated Mrs E-H, hope u dont mind either.
im just weighing at home, i am going to be weighing 1st of every month. hope everyone is okay with that

Stacey xx