all this reading counts as body magic- right? :8855:
I treat myself to a naughty food when I get under the next stone bracket *ahem* just to curb those cravings least I say to myself "well- when I get under X stone I can have (the thing I am craving at the time) When I get under 18 stone (3lb to go) I'm going to afternoon tea with 3 of my girly friends

I won 2 coupons in a competition 2 weeks ago. I said I'd wait until I was under 18 stone....but it's gonna be a bit longer- because one of my friends is going on her hols on monday....but that's ok- might get my 5 stone award by then *wishful thinking*
Well done Miss "oh I checked on my scales and I totally haven't done enough"- imma confiscate those scales!!! *slaps wrist*
You did awesome- seriously proud of you
I am shocked and stunned !!!
Whew- I think I made it- did I make it? am I safe? *waits to hit reply and there be another 10 posts to read*
Sorry I didn't reply to all of you- slow down will ya! :8855:
P.S.....I hate all apples- but cox are my least hated (just don't tell anyone

). It drives me made that all people seem to stick in the sotw basket is apples....especially since I've won 11 times in 24 weeks....can you see why it drives me mad?
