Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Oh no. Our group of 20 is shrinking - and not in the way we all want!!!

Forget the challenge part and just stay and chat. Don't look at it as homework you have to do. Just read the last post. You don't have to read and remember every post - you couldn't!

Please reconsider x

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bb65 22lbs (14lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (2lbs lost - 25lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (7lbs lost ~ 15lbs to go)
carriebrad 22lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 16.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (2lbs lost - 20lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
Hoping 26.5lbs (2.5lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (2lb lost - 24lbs to go)
JustJudith 28lbs (-2lbs lost - 30lbs to go)
Lilaloves 22lbs (9lbs lost ~ 13lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (5.5lbs lost - 16.5lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 22lbs (5 lbs lost - 17 lbs to go)
LoChan1984 28lbs (8.5lbs lost - 19.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (1lbs lost - 13lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (3lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (5lbs lost - 24.5lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)

Have removed myself from the challenge as I'm useless! I can't even keep up with the posts on my own challenge thread, let alone lose weight-and dont wanna hold you guys back as you're all doing so well, and putting me to shame! Good luck with it, and I'm sure I'll see you around x

Oiii dont go we will miss you. There is no written rule that states you have to read and reply to everything. I sometimes just come in and have a read but dont have time to reply to everyone we would all miss you darling and value your opinion. Stay with us and we will help you through whatever rubbish you have going on in your life.
Jo don't go, the girls are right, you don't need to put yourself under any more pressure and you are definitely NOT are having a tough time at the moment loads going on who wouldn't struggle under such circumstances....please don't leave sweetie and really don't worry about catching up or answering particular threads, we love you and want you to stay please, pretty please :sad0071: :grouphugg: :tear_drop: :tear_drop: xxxxxxxxxxxx
LoChan1984 said:
-2.5lbs for me this week. Gots myself a nice new pink shiny :D:D:D

bb65 22lbs (14lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (2lbs lost - 25lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (7lbs lost ~ 15lbs to go)
carriebrad 22lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 16.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (2lbs lost - 20lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
Hoping 26.5lbs (2.5lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (2lb lost - 24lbs to go)
JustJudith 28lbs (-2lbs lost - 30lbs to go)
Lilaloves 22lbs (9lbs lost ~ 13lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (5.5lbs lost - 16.5lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 22lbs (5 lbs lost - 17 lbs to go)
LoChan1984 28lbs (8.5lbs lost - 19.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (1lbs lost - 13lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (3lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (3lbs lost - 26.5lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
Welshtigger 22lbs (2lbs lost - 20lbs to go)

Hi well done, you are going great guns!
Stay, just being in touch when you can is good. Sometimes life takes over for a while, don't be pressured, we are all here for the easy and even more for the harder times,
No one can follow all the posts as it's such a chatty thread but when things are hard everyone in the team is here to support you. We have all been trough the horrid times to and do understand x

The kitchen has been busy here as cooking a roast for later and doing a shepards pie for tomorrow as it's going to be busy and thats when I have to be prepared or I'll grab anything to eat.

Now varnishing the hall!

Happy Slimming everyone and thinking of anyone struggling x
Aws, don't leave us Jo and Judith :(:cry::(

We're all in this together - if you're both struggling we want to help you out not have you drop off to go it alone :bighug:
*SugarPlum* said:
WI Day!!!

Drum Roll.........

4lb off!!! :wee::wee::wee::wee:

My 'Angelic' Week worked!!!

There has been a few things I have done differently...

1. Not had Makeral every day for Lunch! LOL

2. I did'nt have my Red Wine last weekend.

3. I did'nt have any bread, I used my HexB for things like Ryvitas

4. I drank 2/3 herbal teas each day & only llowed myself 1 cup of coffee a day.

5. I only had 1 or 2 EE days, all the rest were Red.

6. I ensured I ate regularly through the day. 9am / 11am / 1pm / 3pm / 7pm

Not sure which of the above made a difference or if it was a combination of a few things! One thing for sure it worked!! :party0011::party0011::party0011:

So I am now commencing 'Angelic' week no2!! LOL

I would love to loose 3lb next week, that would give me my 2 1/2 Shiny!! :D

London is 4 week away and I want by 3 stone Shiny before I go! Its gonna be tough but I am up for the challenge!!!

(Sorry if you read my own diary, you will see I just copied and pasted the same reply! I was too lazy to type a similar thing twice!) :p

Wow, well done, are you feeling great
my feet hurt :( and i've twinged my back- but i have done an hour and a half walking today....hope that helps to get the 3lb loss that I want :(
That's alot of walking, fingers crossed for you
Bron said:
Wow, well done, are you feeling great

Thanks Bron,

I was sooo pleased! :)

I am hoping for 3lb this week!!

Hope you have had a good weekend! :) xxx

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Hi ladies,

I have had a busy weekend so not been on here much.

I will catch up as the evening goes on! :)

Just made LoChans Hot & Sour Soup.... OMG... It's AMAZING!!!

I would recommend everyone tries it!!


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Hi ladies,

I have had a busy weekend so not been on here much.

I will catch up as the evening goes on! :)

Just made LoChans Hot & Sour Soup.... OMG... It's AMAZING!!!

I would recommend everyone tries it!!


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I can't stop making it ...did you make it with cornflour or xanthan gum? ....with cornflour it's 2 syns a bowl with xanthan gum it's free ..woohoo ....yummy yum xxxxxxx
Wtg Lo, you're a star :woohoo: :bliss: :winner:

The grandbabies aren't here yet, on their way, but they love the speedway gp's too so won't miss it and definitely not as it's the last one of the season lol....all them yummy men in leather *swoon* :giggle: we'll play tomorrow after cookery class :8855: xxxxxxxxxxx

see now i read this to say that you were going to play with the leather clad men tomorrow :eek: :8855::8855::8855::8855:

if so i think you should share :rotflmao::rotflmao:
Hi Girls I have had a brill day. We went to the Goose Fair in Nottingham today something Hubby and I have done since we first met. Usually its an eat your way around the fair event and thats one of the reasons we love it today however hubby had some yummy things and I had peas lol

I am feeling really virtuous today tee hee I have just made the scan bran chocolate cake. Its a little bit like sweet wholemeal bread warm going to see what its like cold.

bb65 22lbs (14lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (2lbs lost - 25lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (7lbs lost ~ 15lbs to go)
carriebrad 22lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 16.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (2lbs lost - 20lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (5.5lbs lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
Hoping 26.5lbs (2.5lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (2lb lost - 24lbs to go)
JustJudith 28lbs (-2lbs lost - 30lbs to go)
Lilaloves 22lbs (9lbs lost ~ 13lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (5.5lbs lost - 16.5lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 22lbs (5 lbs lost - 17 lbs to go)
LoChan1984 28lbs (8.5lbs lost - 19.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (1lbs lost - 13lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (3lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (5lbs lost - 24.5lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)

Have removed myself from the challenge as I'm useless! I can't even keep up with the posts on my own challenge thread, let alone lose weight-and dont wanna hold you guys back as you're all doing so well, and putting me to shame! Good luck with it, and I'm sure I'll see you around x

jo, please don't go just ease up on your self and go with the flow. I too have had a couple of issues in the week and due to the scale fiasco have had to add to my starting weight and losses .
I never manage to read all the posts and often don't comment for days and when i do it tends to be general to every one.
you are not a failure and are a very important member of our little group.
there is no pressure to lose in my opinion, just support. think again honey any support is good xx
good luck what ever you decide to do xx
I can't stop making it ...did you make it with cornflour or xanthan gum? ....with cornflour it's 2 syns a bowl with xanthan gum it's free ..woohoo ....yummy yum xxxxxxx

I made it with the Corn Flour.. what is Xanthan Gum???

I honestly never expected it to be as nice as it was!!

I think I will be making it on a regular basis!! xxx
evening everybody, hope you have had a good weekend:D

new scales bought but due to a large difference, this week has been a stay the same will hopefully have a good loss on thurs to make up for it.
having lower carbs and more pulses this week to see how that goes.
its making me experiment a bit .

hopefully a good week for us all cos we all deserve one:D
Been ill today so whatever I've eaten has gone down the loo. (sorry if tmi).

Was 100% but might as well have not been!!!

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Broadsbean good luck for this week :)

Aw poor Lisa get well soon lovely

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