Bad Service / Ripped off ... Curves Fareham, Hampshire !
Hello having read your review i thought i would check out Curves for myself
I joined your new Curves gym in Fareham, Hampshire, UK on 28 July 2008 this was my introduction where they told me what was involved etc and took my joining fee and first month membership money, paid in cash
i had to postpone my first session which was booked for later that week and scheduled my first session at the next available slot on thursday 7th august.
when i turned up i was shocked to see they had put a notice up on the wall advertising their limited opening times on the wall 9.30am-1.30pm 4.30pm - 6.30 pm monday to friday
I work 9 - 6/6.30pm monday to thursdays
I was shocked and questioned these times and informed both the staff and the owner Yvonne Kelly, who informed me that maybe in time the hours may change but thats the the times they are open ... i informed them that this would be extremely difficult for me to then come and i may have to cancel and nothing was mentioned regarding times when i signed up
the next time i went, friday 8th august, i queried again and was informed the same.
Today i went into cancel my membership and ask for my joining fee and monthly membership fee to be returned total of £68.00 I offered to pay for the two sessions that i had attended and explained that their opening hours were not suitable and i was not informed of these hours when signing up. They are adamant that the hours were up on the wall when i signed up. I strongly disagree, i promise you they were not, as i would not have signed up and paid the money because i cannot go to the gym within these hours because of my work.
There was no compromise at all when i visited and spoke with the owner today, she was rude and condescending something i had not experienced before when speaking to any of the curves gyms.
I am now £68 down and feel that i have been mis informed and mis sold to the point that they have my money and they now advertise their opening hours where as they did not before or inform me. Why would i sign up for something and pay money to something i would not physically be able to attend?!
I am trying to find a way of resolving this and recouping some of my money they have taken from me. As i have said before i was happy to contribute to the 2 sessions that i was able to make before they advertised their limited opening hours.
I dont want to have to waste more of my time and getting more stressed by taking this further in order to get my money back but i will if their head office in the states cannot help me resolve this and also to stop others being "ripped off" and treated with no respect by this lady