Cutting the crusts off? Skimmed milk? help!!


Heard about crustless bread which i wanna try next week, but for this week what difference will it make if i cut the crusts off myself? Got kingsmill white med slice 1.5pts. Could i point it as 1pt? :cross:

And can someone put me outta my misery where skimmed milk is concerned, cos i'm sure 2pts for 100ml is wrong!!! :flirt2:

Thanks in advance

thanks for the skim milk pointing, i always use skim to cook and to drink and never know what to point it as!
yeah cut the crusts off and count it as one.
woo hoo, normal bread for 1pt!!! And no hairs on my chest, he he he!!!
50/50 Crustless bread is ½pt per slice. I have been eating this since I started WW, although not always the easiest thing to get without going to local supermarket.
yeah i buy that too, seems to go off the shelves rather quickly where i live.
the crusts the best bit!!!!