The weird thing is I read other's diaries across Minimins and a lot of dieters do seem to react to a disappointing week by heading for the biscuit tin or over to KFC - I love both but I only want to eat either when I'm in a happy mood, because if I ate those foods now and then found I put on next week I'd be well disappointed and even more upset.
Ahhh Lucy I KNOW that in the future we will look back at this important one pound loss with such joy and laughter... who knows it could be the turning point for me.
I'm ranting, I'm impatient but it's because I am sooo excited about how I could look and thank you Lucy because it will be so fun once I really start losing... I KNOW there could be gains in the future... but I'm going to my best to ensure that they are worthy gains and that I have done everything I could to ensure that they are not big gains.
I may treat myself tonight to a cocktail or something sweet but ONLY if it remains in my calorie intake.
This body albeit voluptious in large amounts will not beat me... I shall remain obsessive but that is only because I know it to be the only way to get where I want.
Can't believe I just cried about losing a pound WTF is wrong with me![]()
It might only be a pound a week, but in 6 months time all those little pounds will add up. I used to listen to the Oasis song 'little by little' when I was disheartened because it gives you faith that it's every little pounds counts. That's why so many people fail at losing weight. They 'only' lose a pound so they give up. I'll tell ya, but you're probably not going to like it, nobody does. One of the top secrets to weight is patience.
And I know what you mean about the KFC. You're like me, I know that the 'pleasure' I'd get from eating a KFC is nothing in comparison to the pleasure I get from being healthy and slim and seeing a loss on the scales. There was one day away back in January (I was still in diet mode, not yet in lifestyle mode then) where I had a domino's pizza because it was my friends birthday. My WI the next morning was a riot - 3lb!! Thankfully most of it was water but I told myself it wasn't worth it. The guilt that came after eating over my calories for no other reason than greed and the gain on the scales just wasn't worth the few seconds of gluttony that the pizza brought. Of course I still treat myself, but ONLY if it's in my calorie allowance, anything else to me is greed and just not worth the guilt. We all have these doubtful moment though so don't beat yourself up over it. You're doing absolutely fabulous.