Hi Lucyann,
I'm so glad to keep hearing your news. I'm staying on top of this because I get to speak to you and everyone on this forum. It really is part of my journey and i mean a huge part.
I love hearing news whatever it is. As we're all going through a special connection with each other and it's special. It really means a lot to me and really helps me stay focussed. I want to do this for me and everyone else here and I want everyone to reach there goals so much. And stay there.
And you say the lightest you've been, well that's just for now as we are going to help each other get to our goals.
The lightest I've ever been was 6lbs lol, my birth day hahaha. But seriously I feel like I've lost the first stone alone in my face wrists and chest.
I'm thinking a stone a month and I'll hit goal just before Xmas, but I don't mind it taking a little longer. I will reach goal. My only deviations will be good choices of roast or grilled chicken with greens no carb veg.
Carbs are the enemy.
Make that a mantra for life.
They're just empty calories which make you feel tired, bloated and ill.
You'd much rather focus calories on good food /fuel for your body and then you can start to have a life. And enjoy everything you've only dreamed of.
You've a busy few months ahead by the sounds of it. This is your time Lucyann.
have a brilliant day. Well done for your amazing losses to date. I am so glad you're here with me