Hurrah!! Another 1.5lbs off this week!

I really don't feel I deserve it as I have been a bit naughty this week, all nibbling and eating things I shouldn't have at work. However, I have been to the gym twice this week, so I guess I've got away with it.
Only one more weigh-in before I go away to Summer Camp! Only 12 days to go! Yikes!
I am no way going to meet my target of 10st 7lbs in time, but I am still happy with what I have achieved so far. I am currently one pound away from my Club 10; it would be nice to achieve that before I go away. I hope I can.
So, one more weigh-in and then I am away for a week and will miss one group. I fully expect to have a massive gain upon my return; I usually put on weight at camp each year; it's unavoidable, really, with the sheer amount of chocolate and crap I have to eat to simply remain upright. The goal of that week is always to get to the end in one piece! Losing weight goes out the window.
That being said, I am still going to try to eat a nice lot of fruit, but there will be chocolate, buns, crisps, pizzas from takeaways, meals out etc, alongside it.
I know there'll be a gain, and I accept that, but I shall get right back on track upon my return from camp. (I am still looking forward to eating all the naughties, though!)