D (for diet) Day!

Aggggghhhhh! I want food!!!!!!!!!

This is hell, I'm starving. It's that bad I'm thinking of skinning my little rabbit Stanley and eating him! :eek:

Poor Stanley, only kidding yummm... Ahem, I mean hmmmm...

Ahhhhhh Stanley is so cute! Is he a house rabbit?
Hi Sandra,

Yes, he's a little pampered bunny who as I write this is sat at my back trying to eat my hair!?

Hows this week going for you?

Kirstie x
Oh he sounds adorable! I've got 2 cats, Fudge and Dylan and they're like my little shadows. I can't go to the loo or sleep without one or both of them being close by. Not been a good week for me TBH have posted to my blog so as not to bore people here with the mundane details! Totally my fault I think for trying to mix TFR diets but I can't stand the crapjacks or the soups and I need more than just the shakes every day! It's resulted in a mere 2lbs weight loss though so I guess that I had better stick 100% to LT?! Feel stonger today though! The mood swings are something else aren't they?:mad:
hey sandra
2lb off is better than nothing off and it is still a loss so donnt beat yourself up x x x
Today has been a weird one.

Yet again I'm stuck at 11st 13lb, when will I move from this weight?

Had the barest trace of pink on my wee stick this morning which totally vanished as the day continued, did my morale no good!

I seriously started obsessing about chocolate. It took all I had not to go out and buy a Kinder Bueno I was soooo tempted but drank loads and had a soup, and I was back in ketosis?!

What's going on?

Till next time x
I've been hungry today, don't know if that's anything to do with the fact that I'm hovering on ketosis or what?!

My scales have well and truly broke so don't know if I've moved from 11st 13lb.

That's as exciting as today's been - sorry!
I've fallen off the wagon!! :(

I write this as I'm munching on my final toasted marshmallow (I've eaten the whole bag!), I know I know...

Having spent yet another day not in ketosis and still 11st 13lb (meaning I've lost nothing this week despite being totally good!). I've though oh blow it now I'm feeling really guilty and physically sick, back to square one?!

I will be slim, I will be slim, I will be slim...
Kirstie.. I know you are finding it a huge struggle lately, but try and put today behind you.. We have all done it (mine was cheese and onion hula hoops!) but get back on the wagon as soon as you can.. You CAN do this, and we will all help you x x

I don't know if you are putting too much emphasis on yourself regarding ketosis.... I have not had a check for it since i started, so perhaps if you just stick to 100% you know you WILL get there....

Don't beat yourself up about it hun.. This diet is blerdy hard, but it will work if you stay 100%, but sometimes we need to look at our weight losses over a longer period of time , like over a month, instead of weekly.

And keep repeating your manta "I will be slim, I will be slim, I will be slim......."... cos you really will!! x x x x
We need a teacher to give us lines........I will be slim, I won't eat marshmallows.........500 times please and post it to this site by tomorrow morning.......
o.m.g cheese onion hula hoops MY favourite lol can taste them just saying it lol, kirstie just leave it behind you and start fresh, things can only get better hunnie, so positive thoughts x x x
Hi Girls,

Thanks for the messages sorry this reply is so late. San, think I will do the lines as punishment after all!

Well after a difficult week I lost dum, dum dum... +1! Aaaaagh!

Anyhow this is a different week so I'm leaving that all behind and starting again. I'm also gonna buy a tape measure to monitor loss in inches.

Fingers crossed this week will be better x
Good luck hunni x x x x
Well the last 2 weeks have been a mixture of emotions!

First my lovely Nana died, she had alzheimer's and was 93!! She lived with my beautiful mum who has been her carer for the past 10 years.

It was a week filled with mixed emotions, she wasn't my nan - she died years ago, but she was this incredibly funny little old lady who used to sing and dance and repeat like a mantra: Don't grow old!

She had broken her leg and been in hospital for the past couple of months. My mum has been going in every day to feed her lunch and dinner and generally take care of her.

I'm not sad that my nan has died but I cant believe the love I feel for my mum, watching her quietly look after her own mother without a single word of complaint, putting the needs of Nan above her own for the last 10 years she is simply an amazing woman!

Mum has always said if she gets alzheimer's to put her in a home, not to try and look after her alone, but how could I not give her back just a fraction of the care she has displayed?

Secondly, went on holiday to Turkey which was fab - just what I needed. Best of all it was all-in and I didn't put on any weight - Yay!! Just need to get back on that horse now.

Sorry this post is nothing really to do with dieting but just felt the need to say it!

Hope you're all doing ok?

Kirstie x
Hi Kirstie...welcome back!! Although I'm new since you've been gone so really I should just be saying Hello! It sounds like it was a tough few weeks for you, it must have been very hard, but the holiday sounds good and well done for not putting on a few..I def would have! Anyway, hope your first week back goes well x
Welcome back Kirsty, what a touching story xxx
Thanks Ladies,

Finding it a bit tough to get back into the diet having eaten, I'm trying but not quite 100% yet...