Sorry, I thought I'd posted a diary entry last night!
Yesterday I was a bit mixed, was starting to find it a bit hard going with the numbers on the scales not having moved for 3 days! However I then looked through some old photos on the computer and remembered how, at the time, I hated them thinking I was fat - I was only a size 12.. Now I'm a 14-16.. That strengthened my resolve again entirely as I still have 10 weeks to stop me looking huge in our wedding photos!!! The rest of the day was much easier and I sat there glugging the water!! I'm really beginning to learn that, even though before I used to drink 2-3l of water a day, I mistook thirst for hunger!!
Oh - and this morning.. The scales had come down by another pound!! :bliss:
I also had 16 inches cut off my hair yesterday!!!! I have decided to wear it up - it was down to my waist and too long to have a hair up.. I was going to get it cut to my shoulders as soon as we got married anyway - I seem to grow it long, have it long for a few months, get bored with all the extra hassle and then cut it to my shoulders.. Keep it short for a few months and then start growing it again!!! I've been wanting to cut it for the last 6-8 months but haven't because I thought I was wearing it half up/half down.. When I tried on my dress one day with my hair up though it looked so much better! So spent 6 weeks thinking about it and finally went for the chop yesterday!! And I love it! I've got my "shampoo ad perfect" curls back!! Plus I'll be able to wear it down which, when it's that long, you just can't do very easily as it just turned to frizz!
Today going well, went to church this morning, we had a visiting preacher and she did a really interesting sermon on a pencil maker.. Very cute and got a very good point across!!
Had a shake for brekkie (chocolate, made with milk..) and, as it's such lovely weather, we've just had a BBQ! I had some tuna and some steak and salad!! Was nice to be able to get back into alfresco eating, we love that in the summer!!
Hope everyone else having a good day!