Daily chat...

Hey ladies! Thank you!! As for "guru", if you could see the seams of my largest summer (brrrrr!) trousers straining right now, you'd fire me! (oooh I'm not paid so you can't!!!)...

So ladies, please continue to do whatever you're doing... that I currently seem incapable of doing!!

But yes, I'm trying again... Sarah, I'm sticking to what I was doing before holiday to stay out of ketosis for now... Two x PP days plus apple for now... keeps me happy to have CRUNCH on a PP day even if NOT DUKAN RECOMMENDED... hoho!

Vicky - lovely to have time off, and the gastronomic restaurant in Beaune was fabulous... just one night spent elsewhere than in my Burgundy bolt hole, and it was a lovely B&B with the nicest and most copious breakfast I've ever had in my life (but did it beat me? nah!)!

Now it's COLD... and going from 27°C last Thursday to 15°C on Friday(!)... and now in Paris it's FREEZING... and I've no heating (building controlled so never on before mid-October), I miss my country log fire!!

I'm really happy to read about Anja's Conso... and how well she's doing... and you Jet, unrecognisable in your photo! Vicky, how did you get on with your restart? Any loss yet?

Hope to be around more once caught up with backlog created by my absence here last week!
Oh and I received the recipe book... (not opened yet though!)

Oh oh and I'm still only on p.3 of the cognitive therapy book!
wow jo sounds amazing! ah restart went ok last week (not dukan) lost 6lbs but have regained 5 lol! what did you have at the restaurant?
errr perhaps not the appropriate place here... in case anyone's about to munch on their arm and I tempt them... I'll ping you!
Jo how was your hols babe? nice to see you back.

jet i love love love your avatar xxx did you have a good time friday night?

hey vick's thank you !!!!!! friday was well ace and an enjoyable night !!!!!!!

hope ur feeling a better !!!!!!!
hey jo it is nice to have you bak and thank you so so much ,work is going ok too !!!!!!!!
What yoghurts are people buying? I have tried the mullers and I don't really like the taste, so I tend to buy natural, especially greek and add sweetener. Hss anyone found any other flavoured brands without the fruit pieces (so I can have unlimited).
Afternoon ladies :)

glad to see the forum buzzing again :)... so you're on dukan+fruity extras jo :)...sounds good...never been a fruit fan until I wasn't allowed it :)

typical eh....

hope everyone's having a good day x
Afternoon Jet :)!

Yeah I'm ok just catching up with all the diaries :) place is BUZZING! loving all the newbies and catching up on regulars diaries

Glad you're getting back into the swing of things with work :)

hey sarah. what are your thoughts on your diet hon? my head is all over at the moment
well I was naughty at the weekend, put on quite a bit by my weekend standards...so just taking it each day at a time... not restarting attack as I know I'd fail...so just launched back into pp/pv with extras...

I've also been weighing in every day I find it's good to keep an eye on gains while I'm not being overly strict on myself...

I "know" this diet which makes it easy to pick up where I left off from.... we did discuss my moving onto WW/SW but it'd just be something new to have to learn :) besides I have a fridge catering to dukan :)

so far I've lost 3.5lbs (much ofwhich I gained at the weekend)...so I'm back to thursday weight -0.2lb

i'm not heaping the pressure on, simply treating it as a "we'll see :)"
That's great Sarah...

As I was saying to Vicky elsewhere, the Dukan way of eating actually does fit my likes and dislikes to a tee... just that it eliminates my favourite fruit... and having lost 70K in the past eating it freely, I guess my psyche has a problem getting round cutting it out in the summer hence my inclusion.

With the onset of winter (seemingly here!!), in a couple of weeks I might see fit to do another stint of full on Dukan - cos it's easier for me at the weekends most definitely to follow it strictly than half heartedly - but, for now, knowing how quickly the bloat goes, I'll go with the no scales/no ketosis flow for now.

Oooh and the other half bought us a new set of scales last week. Obviously I've not been near them...
Body Signal - Bathroom Scales - Tefal.Com -
I put on 3.4lbs on over the weekend and then yesterdays pp dropped 3.6lbs :S....

If ever there was evidence that a diet works, I'd say your weight loss has just proved that Dukan is for you hun. x