Hi all...
Kaye - the most common reasons for regaining (apart from slip ups!) are: cycle (some people gain loads TOTM); water retention (so check re salt... and/or ham/bacon/soy sauce or anything else you eat which might be inadvertently giving you salt)... transit (I presume you're errr "regular"...).
Otherwise, and this is the most frustration one... you're not eating enough pure protein... Can you post menus for a few days and we'll have a peek!
Snow? I love snow! When I'm indoors, beside a log fire, and no need to go out (except for a snowball fight!)... perfect!
My weekend was good. We made a batch of [Non Dukan friendly] green tomato chutney, and my other half likes it so much that we're going to do a larger one next weekend for extra Christmas pressies! We picked fresh beetroot, carrots, green beans, spring onions, tomatoes from the field and I knocked up some healthy stuff and, as planned, didn't eat anything non Dukan OK which wasn't fruit. BUT, and this is a strange one: for those who don't know me well, I hardly ever drink so don't miss it at all. At a neighbour's, helping him fix his hand rail, he opened a bottle of port and we drank an aperitive with him and ate some nibbles. DUH! I guess, as neither are "trigger foods" for me, it didn't even occur to me not to partake!!
So a "good weekend", but how strange to have completely forgotten for 10 mins I was watching it!
I got on the scales this morning, and have gained 1lb since Friday. Very acceptant of that though cos 2 x PVs plus fruit this weekend, plus 2 glasses of port!