Daily chat...

(If ever you're in rural France, and you see a car parked up in a layby, and someone with her cheeks FULL of carbs like a squirrel, it's ME!!).
secret eater! me too :(

sorry i posted that thing about the oatbran twice as the browser was soooo slow.
Home time!! See you all tomorrow!


It's nearly end of day one (sort of) I started after I'd eaten breakfast d'oh!...(but in my defence I'd only started reading about Dukan whilst eating breakfast!)

d'ya know what? I'm not hungry... how mad is that - I've barely eaten today - well compared to what I normally eat...is this normal?

I also found the elusive oat and wheat bran and like a good little soldier went and bought it :)... fridge kitted out for 2 day attack and the following day just about :)

here goes nothing...
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Excellent!! As for not being hungry on day 1 of attack, that sounds like a miracle! Or perhaps not. When asked why/how I found the motivation to stick to a diet at 22 stone, when I'd already tried and tested everything on the market, I always say I had a sort of "click" aged 38, seeing the big FOUR OOOH approaching... and that if I could patent and sell that CLICK, I'd be a millionnairess!!

You must have had your click too!

I'll have a look at your menu in a mo... am sure Vicky will have too... I've a trainee to look after this morning, and will have to accompany her to and fro the main office up the road as she's no security pass... so I could disappear sporadically!

It's going to be 34°C here today...
morning all ,ive just been trying to catch up where we was yesterday lol ,ive tried the french crossaints and really not for me ,glad viks got over the IC prb and alott im glad u wasnt feeling hungry thats good !!

well i had a crap crap evening arguments all round it was just mind u but got out of hand ,my 11 year old is the most sulkiest,moody ,ungrateful child ever ,my partner has taken him places and all he does is moans and i think alton towers was the last straw he was fine when we got there then after the first ride it was like jackall/hyde then all the day face like a wet weekend ,so it kicked off last night big style ,i eneded shouting like a banshee,so he has now lost his laptop,ps3 and no tv ,do i feel guilty ( i dont know ) but something has to be done ,so i spent last night on my own in bed listening to my dan's music crying my eyes out ,so today i feel quite crap !!
aaah 11 year olds... My partner's grandkids are (hopefully?) coming to stay with us for a week in August, and the sort of tantrums I've witnessed from that age group are legendary... I have no patience whatsoever, and still think children should be "seen and not heard" (I wish!!), and so I am sure I'd react just as you did!!

BUT today's another day... and we're fighting the flab! What are you eating today? And do you have a little walk planned at all?
Oh Jet :( big hugs babe. Its such a bad time for all of you and there are bound to be ups and downs. He probably hates seeing you upset and I bet when he comes home from school today he will be better (considering he will have no tv!)
I dont have children myself (only furry children) so ive no idea about psychology etc. You just need time to heal...its takes a long time BUT it does get better. xxxxx

Jo - how hot!!!!

Cheryl text last night said the beach was gorgeous and she felt guilty cos she had a pizza already lol. I told her not to worry about dieting until she comes back :D

p.s. Caz is 1/2lb from Goal!!!!!!!
i will post my menu ,hopefully will fit a walk in later but we have a awards evening to go to in memory of my late son dan !!
Vicky - WOW re NB... please congratulate her from me... wish she'd come back and talk about it! (OK busy busy, but still...).

For Cheryl - oh dear! We're all the same, I s'pose... yet she'd thought she'd never again want to go for carbs... shame cos she's started early on in the hol. How long a holiday does she have?

Jet - I hope I don't offend if I say that I often think how proud my Mum would have been of me for losing the weight... and I really wish I'd done it in her lifetime as I know she worried about me and my weight. I know she knows though... and Dan will too...
Awww jet sounds rubbish :( hope the awards evening goes well.

They were giving away pastries and doughnuts at the station today, I had to put blinkers on and run out to bypass it all, trays and trays of food everywhere(was a right pain to get out the door).
Jet - awards evening sounds great hon. Emotional but lots of great memories I expect xxxx

Ill tell her Jo - she cant come on the site at work now she is in an open office :( so will let her know to come on at night :D

Cheryl is away for 2 weeks - im sure she wil be good you know she has done so well and i think although she may have a couple of treats she will generally be good :D
i get really lost on ere trying to remember wot u have all said

jo u will never upset me r speak out of line ,you speak the truth and thats brill keep it up !!

jaqys proud of u !!

vicks thanks to u to !

plus i need to find something to wear OMG PANIC PANIC PANIC !!

NB doing well nice one !!

cheryl she on her hols !! mmmmmmmmmm
Lol :D
Well done Jaq !!!

Jet You must have something. Where is it being held? Dress? Trousers?
a place in blackburn called king george's hall ,im going to go upstairs and have a look ,but with putting weight on i dont have much to fit my boobaloobs in lol
Lol. You wil have to strap those babies down!
LOL , well lucky me ive found something in my wardrobe its a grey shift dress and it fits nicley with my magic knicks off course mmmmmmmmm !
even better - just your womanly bumps ;)