Maintainer - I had my body fat measured at a sports med clinic where my boyfriend works, it was the hydrostatic body fat test where basically they measure it underwater. its the most accurate way to test it. doesn't matter what time of day it is or how much water you've retained. I only did it because I used my boyfriend's body fat calipers (where you pinch several parts of your body and take measurements) and i was mortified that it said 28% so i decided to go to his clinic and see it for certain. and it was even higher!! Weight for me doesn't really work because even at 50kg, i was a size 12. and my boyfriend is a 100kg but has 7% bodyfat! so I rarely rely on scales. Just by how my clothes feel.
My scales also have "body fat" calculators on, but they're ridiculous! they work by weighing you, detecting how much water is in your body and then subtracting that from your weight and approximate bone and muscle mass. that means if you went for a wee, it'd tell you your bodyfat is higher than 5 minutes before you went to the toilet!lol
Atropos, I'm sure you it's just water! But I dream of the day I can eat cherries! Actually my favourite fruit is ripe indian mangoes! and my mum told me she got some today! lucky I'm not home, else that would have been a difficult temptation to resist!
Maintainer - I had my body fat measured at a sports med clinic where my boyfriend works, it was the hydrostatic body fat test where basically they measure it underwater. its the most accurate way to test it. doesn't matter what time of day it is or how much water you've retained. I only did it because I used my boyfriend's body fat calipers (where you pinch several parts of your body and take measurements) and i was mortified that it said 28% so i decided to go to his clinic and see it for certain. and it was even higher!! Weight for me doesn't really work because even at 50kg, i was a size 12. and my boyfriend is a 100kg but has 7% bodyfat! so I rarely rely on scales. Just by how my clothes feel.
My scales also have "body fat" calculators on, but they're ridiculous! they work by weighing you, detecting how much water is in your body and then subtracting that from your weight and approximate bone and muscle mass. that means if you went for a wee, it'd tell you your bodyfat is higher than 5 minutes before you went to the toilet!lol
Atropos, I'm sure you it's just water! But I dream of the day I can eat cherries! Actually my favourite fruit is ripe indian mangoes! and my mum told me she got some today! lucky I'm not home, else that would have been a difficult temptation to resist!