Daily chat...


Maintainer - I had my body fat measured at a sports med clinic where my boyfriend works, it was the hydrostatic body fat test where basically they measure it underwater. its the most accurate way to test it. doesn't matter what time of day it is or how much water you've retained. I only did it because I used my boyfriend's body fat calipers (where you pinch several parts of your body and take measurements) and i was mortified that it said 28% so i decided to go to his clinic and see it for certain. and it was even higher!! Weight for me doesn't really work because even at 50kg, i was a size 12. and my boyfriend is a 100kg but has 7% bodyfat! so I rarely rely on scales. Just by how my clothes feel.
My scales also have "body fat" calculators on, but they're ridiculous! they work by weighing you, detecting how much water is in your body and then subtracting that from your weight and approximate bone and muscle mass. that means if you went for a wee, it'd tell you your bodyfat is higher than 5 minutes before you went to the toilet!lol

Atropos, I'm sure you it's just water! But I dream of the day I can eat cherries! Actually my favourite fruit is ripe indian mangoes! and my mum told me she got some today! lucky I'm not home, else that would have been a difficult temptation to resist!
Hi guys :) How'd everyones weekend go?? Yippeee school time soon :)
Um everyones talking Cherries, We dont have them here ATM xmas time is the huge rush over here. I have to say I dont like them at all :( but my children do!!
8 weeks till we go away so I better move my bum and loose the rest of my weight!! Tried on all my shorts in anticipation for the warm weather and NONE fit, All my jeans about 30 pairs NONE fit! So looks like I will be living in tights and bike shorts, Gotta loveeeeee Lycra..lol :)
Have a great day guys!! and happy dukaning :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Just got off the phone with my mum - and I'm being all supportive because she has Coeliacs, and can't often eat out, and I tell her where I've seen new products she can try -

And then she asks how much I weigh now, and when I tell her says "Well, dear, you'll have to go much lower than that!"

If I go to prison for matricide, will you lovely ladies send me oatbran muffin care-parcels?
LOL - it's because we love'em that it stings a wee bit more when they say something daft like that. It just rattled me.

She heard me open the fridge door while we were speaking, and asked what I was eating - home made Dukan "ice-cream" - and even after I'd told her what it was and how I made it (Zero greek yogurt, mullerlight vanilla, flavouring) she decided it must be fattening and kept nagging me to stick to "normal" yogurt if I wanted to stay slim.

She's a completely different body shape to me and my sisters, tall and slender, never weighed more than 140lbs in her life, and doesn't quite compute that we aren't the same.

I tell her if she wanted tall willowy daughters she shouldn't have married a short stout hairy dentist from Walsall!

We also have fab coeliac stuff here, too - huge changes in the last few years, and I love trying out new gluten-free recipes while she's staying with me. Lemon polenta cake has to be an all time fave!
My Mum needed to 'comment' a lot too - I'm built like my Dad was - broad! (and had much more in common with him personality-wise too - poor Mum!)

She got married in a size 10 dress in the early 60s, my (slender) niece couldn't get the dress fastened when she tried it on a few years ago and said niece wears size 8-10 now. My Mum had no chance with me, even if I lost another stone (and would probably look gaunt), my back/bust still wouldn't squeeze into a size 10.

I hope I'll be kinder to my daughter;).

Another scorcher here today, am going to make jam then tidy up after our weekend festivities.

Hope all have a good day.:D
Oh Atropos! My mum is always telling me how fat I am! Despite her being a big greek mama! Always telling me to get skinny and lose the boobs! but I have to remind her that I take after her!
When I was at my skinniest 45kg, my nana used to tell me "get fat or no nice greek boy will marry you" and when I got fat "get skinny or no nice greek boy will marry you"! LOL Now im in between, nan wants to feed me and mum wants me to lose weight! haha all i can do is laugh!
Oh Atropos! My mum is always telling me how fat I am! Despite her being a big greek mama! Always telling me to get skinny and lose the boobs! but I have to remind her that I take after her!
When I was at my skinniest 45kg, my nana used to tell me "get fat or no nice greek boy will marry you" and when I got fat "get skinny or no nice greek boy will marry you"! LOL Now im in between, nan wants to feed me and mum wants me to lose weight! haha all i can do is laugh!

Oh - mothers.

When I was a student my mother would ask me how my diet was going - then ladle melted butter over all the dishes on the table.

When I suggested that perhaps, as I was on a diet, at her suggestion, perhaps people could add butter after serving themselves instead.

She told me I was being anti-social and difficult.

But all you can do is laugh.
I'm at the gym! I keep pinching myself to make sure im not dreaming! Im so lazy! And I'm sweating like a pig after my workout! I really have Dukan fever! I told myself it's for life so I'm trying to do everything in the right direction! I just hope I don't burn out before I reach goal!
HI good morning Vikki - and good night ;-) I'm off in a minute!

wow your Mums!!! Mine is also a challenge at times but at least on the weight and body shape front we're in the same boat (it's all her fault ;-)....) and she has never ever nagged me or otherwise. She's sparing in her compliments but was inspired enough by my losses to try Dukan herself, with good success. And last time I heard she was 3+ weeks into Conso and had lost another 2kg whilst travelling & eating out and things too! I think they're in Cyprus at the moment - due to return at the end of the week we'll see how she's going :)
Lol at families.

My sister just mumbled something about
" - bought the book - you know - the dukan book - just don't talk to me about it - you'll only put me off - "
Guess she won't be turning up on here then, Atropos!

Another hot one today - it's like July!

Had a great evening last night, went for a hike/walk and to eat with a friend's friend. He's a retired farmer who got evicted from his rented house/land when he retired, so now lives (very happily) on his own land in a caravan/shack combo. It was like going back 2 generations, he let us taste all sort of concoctions (eg absinthe/mint tea:eek: - very bitter but nice all the same) and then got his bottles of grappa, etc out! I tried one or two and refused the stronger ones. Fabulous evening - at least all the damage should have been walked off!

Tamer day today, Wednesday so no school for the younger ones. Off to another friend's house to retrieve forgotten sandals and scooter then gym this afternoon.

Hope everyone has a good day.:)
Hello from here too!

Laura that sounds like a great evening.

Yes - looks hot - but not here. I'm now watching the weather in Spain before I pack our bags (raincoat or no raincoat that is the question) at the moment it's hot there but quite a bit of rain.

Here beautiful sunshine and cold winds... And still NO RAIN. the veggies will all die in our absence :((

Waiting for 'the man' to come and collect the car for it's annual service. Hope he comes soon as it needs to be back before 3 when I need to pick the kids from school (not by car I hasten to add, but I have to be here to sign it off ...).

Phew strenuous yoga class last night! I felt great afterwards but it was hard work! Lots of backwards bends like:

And numbers 18, 19, 22 in the attached image. (others too but those were the harder ones for a relative beginner like me). At least I can do them now :D previously I would hardly have got my bum off the ground (missing arm strength coupled with additional body weight)

Have a good Wednesday everyone!


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Bren alas pops in now infrequently and we've not seen her for a while. Hope she is OK. (Witch super sleuth will see if she can find anything out and update you!).

Yes this long pre summer "summer" is lovely, although I saw the "blue" (aka cooler) air coming down our way from today...; (coming down from the UK of course ;)).

White trousers on today, so keep away from puddles Jo! (I fell over in one yesterday morning and had fortunately changed these trousers for a skirt just before leaving, after seeing the weather forecast, and good job too as I had to wash mud from my legs on arrival at work (yet surprisingly my skirt was clean! guess it had gone over my head as I fell!). yikes!

Hand, elbow and ribs - right side - painful today though so don't try it at home :D

Vickki - BMI is different for all of us. 25 is "normal" but you really should go onto the official Dukan website and work out on their calculator your "true weight" - ie, a weight corresponding to YOUR profile (according to your age, diet history, number of children etc... BMI doesn't tell a true story most often, and for people with heavy diet history, perhaps a 27 BMI will be easier to stabilise than a 23!)