Probably not but may see a few polar bears & penguins wandering round Aberdeenshire lol
Wow, I didn't realise you got cold weather in Oz!! :ashamed0005:Hi Guys, Hows everyone going? Sorry Ive been very slack lately!
Just had my niece from NZ over and my mum down from Queensland
Had my operation on 31st Oct which went horribly wrong but JUST starting to come right now....Yay
What is everyone doing for Xmas???? Sydney has been very wet and cold this year. Its usually A LOT warmer than it has been so we are still in jeans and jackets!!
Hope you guys are all doing wellxxxx
Strip off and turn off the central heating!!!!Vickki - sorry to hear you had a bad time with the op. I hope you are recovering nicely now?
I feel grim todayI have 4 layers on and the heating on full blast. It's me rather than the weather though as it's still fairly mild outside. I am really surprised that feeling this way has not left me battling to avoid my demons, ie super, super sweet tea and lots of bread. I've had to force myself to make a mushroom omelete as my head spins when I get up but I am proud of myself that the cravings aren't there, or that I'm using my "white stuff" bread and sugar to stop me feeling sorry for myself.
Sorry for the waffling.
Hope you all have a good day!