Daily chat...

morning ladies ,hope we are all well .

youngest son at dentist to have much awaited braces fitted .

see you all soon !!
morning :D yes hope dentist is ok.
hi again ,im back son back at school and seems to be ok with the braces apart from talking a bit funny and not being able to pronounce his s's poor soul !!
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im just chilling and going to do some washing lol ,very exciting .

what about you ?
aww i used to wear braces and they used to hurt hurt hurt when i had them tightened. but i loved it..in a sick sort of a way ;)
got to go run some errands later...so just mooching on here 'til I cba to have a shower and wash the mane that is my hair :)
I'm having a bad day... ugh... (not food oriented, WORK oriented!)
oh no Jo..me too :(
ill tell you all later ;)
sarah - how long is your hair? mine is very naturally frizzy/curly (afro srpings to mind just not as nice) and it takes me about an hour to dry and striaghten it.
thanks vicks lol ,these are just clip on's until he is ready for his fitted ones !!

sarah you have chosen the best place to mooch ,im so glad i stumbled across this site !!!

oh jo poor u !!

im just eating my lunch and ive decided im a strange one for the concoction in my dish but my it taste's good lol :D
oh im off to have a look whats on your menu jet :D
Vicky, my hair is <checks> just below shoulder length and gives Diana Ross a run for her money when it's just left without straightening :(...

haven't had it cut since April as I've not known what I want to have done with it - appointment looms next week :S....

totally with you on the hour of drying and straightning - what a faff! :(
My concoction was pretty weird at lunchtime too Jet. I think PP lunches tend to be... hence I choose to eat alone and spare my friends the need to comment on what I'm eating!!

Great idea Sarah!
judging by the mini pic in your sig - looks a little similar to yours...

mine is individually thick hairs, thick texture but not overly coarse, natural kink/wave which I iron the life out of :) and darkest brown verging on black...
I used to spend ages straightening... but now somehow I don't need to... it's longer, and fewer layers... and because it's hot, I tend to give it a quick blow dry (no straightening now) and pop it in a ponytail and it's straight(er) when released (rarely!!)...

Colder today, but hair still up, cos "dirty" so stays up well! haaa!
my long hair ,i used to curl it mmmmmmmm used to take me ages :D


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