Daily chat...

Generalising wildly over the many years I've lived here, I find on the whole that Paris weather is "better" than I used to have in the UK. Hotter in the summer, but often colder in the winter... (I did used to live in the South of England where it's a bit milder than elsewhere in the UK).

Where my country place is, however, it's not far from one of the coldest places in France - the plateau de Langres - and so we've really seen "weather" there... but we've a log burning stove and I like nothing better than snuggling up next to that... even to sleep at times when it's too cold to go upstairs!!!

I wonder how it all compares to the Highlands though!
Its hardly freezing cold here often. Last year we got all that terrible snow over new yr but so did everyone else in Britain, it wasnt typical Highland weather either. Typically we get snow/frost/cold weather Jan/Feb, rain March into April, sunshine and showers may/ June, sunshine July /august, chillier but late sun September/October/November ,rainy cold frosty December, no difference to anywhere else really. In our house though its always warm, whether its because of the double glazing or because the wood burner is on. Best thing we ever bought. Because we have had such a warm wet summer, its making me long for quiet winters days with the stove on and a quiet house becuase all the kids are at school !
I don't mind winter at all either... cold, sunny and bracing though, not grey and rainy...

My country place gets pretty cold because we're not there all week, the shutters are closed, and the heating down to lowest so it's often just 14°C indoors when we arrive Friday evening. We used to whack the heating up high, and the house would "more or less" feel warm by the time we left on a Sunday, costing us a fortune in fuel. These days we use the log burner far more, keeping it running all weekend pretty much, and using the electric blanket 1/2 hour before bedtime! Far more economical...

Do you have short days in the Highlands though Cathy? I presume that's why the kids go back to school so early in the summer?
The snow the past 2 years has been a pain, but other than that I dont mind weather in general :D

Was nice this morning but raining now, have no coat or umbrealla......
Oh no... bright and sunny now here, but certainly not the hot summer's day they forecast...
I don't mind winter at all either... cold, sunny and bracing though, not grey and rainy...

My country place gets pretty cold because we're not there all week, the shutters are closed, and the heating down to lowest so it's often just 14°C indoors when we arrive Friday evening. We used to whack the heating up high, and the house would "more or less" feel warm by the time we left on a Sunday, costing us a fortune in fuel. These days we use the log burner far more, keeping it running all weekend pretty much, and using the electric blanket 1/2 hour before bedtime! Far more economical...

Do you have short days in the Highlands though Cathy? I presume that's why the kids go back to school so early in the summer?

No Its still bright all night here, I think its more that the crops needed harvesting , and they would have finished by now, then in October holidays we would have the tattie picking, which we still do if the weather has been dry, if not the tractor does it lol
"bright all night"?????????
Tattie picking..... the memories:D. I LOVED it (even though I had a horribly sore back the first day).
Tell us more...

I've picked peas and green beans recently... but tatties? never!
mostly Jo yes, enough to go outside, you probably would take a torch, but you wouldnt need one. By bright I meant not dark lol
I was thinking "White Nights"... like in Siberia... so you could have told me anything and I'd have believed you!! (I'm geographically challenged!)
I hate tattie picking, picture a big field of potatoes , a tractor and 3 people plus 3 children, tractor digs all the tattie plants up and the people pick the tatties up and store them in the barn for winter, the 3 children get bored and go off and play while the 3 adults break their backs picking up tatties, even worse now I cant even eat the blessed things
its the same as London/Edinburgh anywhere in Britain, sunset here is only about a minute behind London
Tattie picking was the standard way of earning yourself loads of money as a teen. Every weekend during October, plus the tattie holidays (a week) and sometimes after school if it didn't rain. Back-breaking stuff, but most of your pals were there so a good laugh and if anyone fell behind, then the others helped out, chucking rotten tatties at the farmer:D (yuck if your fingers went through one), making a fire with the plants and baking wee tatties during the lunchbreak.

Don't think it has the same appeal now though....
As I've said before, this website is a mine of information! Thank you! I have never been tattie picking and I now know to decline if invited! haaaa!

My other half is keen on having a go at grapepicking and has signed up to do the vendanges this year locally to the house... we'll see if he can stand up straight after a day's grapepicking!

Oh re sunset etc in Highlands... Dumb is I... I thought it'd be dark earlier in your neck of the woods...
Is grape picking not on vines though, you wouldnt need to bend much picking vines. My sister in law has a vine in her greenhouse, they are lovely red grapes, wonder if shes going to get enough to make wine from them, I would highland red wine ooohhh!
They are pretty low, admittedly not in the ground like the tatties though. Painful backs are the first thing anyone mentions when reminiscing over the previous year's crops...

I'm fortunate in that I'm so not a drinker... giving up alcohol on this diet was the easiest thing I ever had to give up!
That's the one thing I'll never binge on Jo :) Alcohol....take it or leave it for me...

It's my sweet tooth that does me in :(

oh and the savoury C word....
Whilst I enjoy drinking I can happily stop at a glass or 2(probably why I'm not too bothered by my transgressions).

Cake, biscuits and crisps I could eat for days and days and never stop. Fortunatly not been craving them (beans on the other hand).

I have never been ANYTHING picking:( I am obviously missing out;)

I have been busy lately, wedding dress shopping with my little sister, arguing with dh and trying to control the circus that my house has become!!!

Diet wise, I have been doing great, I haven't weighed myself though and have been on pv all week...I decided to opt for 5/5.....if I do find it too laborious I will change but I think this will suit me just fine. AF arrived (as I suspected) and I am 'meant' to be taking the big ones swimming today...hmmmm...might have to rethink.

must go as ds3 wants out of his highchair, and dd needs a nappy change.

have a nice day everyone xx