you know what drives me mad. that pic of horrid suzanne shaw (hate her as much as katie waissel) is so touched up and she is standing in such a way her legs look slim. what we need to see is real life pics, cellulite wobble and all. NO wonder we always think we are wobbly, cellulite jelly monsters.
I had no idea who Suzanne Shaw was until I clicked on the article. She really did have a jelly belly, mind - very broad around the beam, as my Grandma would have said!
(can't bear her either!!)
We need a before picture of her... I must admit that my eyes used to automatically go downward as I tried to guess whether she was expecting or not (shame on me!)
I can't honestly say that I've felt I'd like to look like X, Y or Z... leastwise not since I was about 7 and then I wanted to BE them. So can't honestly say I find them motivational. I do like seeing their cellulite though! And I think it's Closer mag that a friend keeps for me in England which is great for catching "stars" unawares... <stars my foot for the most part; particularly when the word falls behind "reality"!>
I'm actually a TV advertiser's worst nightmare. I don't watch live TV, preferring to record them and zap through the adverts.
ok so maybe it's just me it motivates then ....seeing carb face helps me to resist....if I eat carbs....I get carb face...I look like some 2bit carb faced reality tv "personality" ironic use of the word personality seeing as they have none! ....