Guys post quantities where you can - makes it easier to see things... and having recently discovered (elsewhere) that an "egg custard" can go from 125ml milk to the whole 500m, depending on the poster...; and "chicken" can mean absolutely anything, quantity wise, let's post where we know. Without getting scales out necessarily, but we know ish what we buy and cook, right?
I second that - where possible, especially if review or advice is wanted. Or if you have discovered something that works for you - it won't necessarily work for the rest of us but hey what have we got to lose for trying...
I am still doing PV as TOTM is still here so today is my fourth PV in a row, with a twist for the last 2 days. Just to explain how it came about - when I first started Dukan, the favoured pattern for lots of weight to lose was 5/5; so I always timed it in such a way that TOTM is covered by PV. an added bonus was that cramps, pain and bloating disappeared! Some tricks, though:
* Drink my food during TOTM - that means soups, and the rest of the stuff blended or jellied;
* Top up the fiber - use psyllium husk, agar agar, xanthan gum in cooking
* Greens - make more use of sea weed and sprouts (not bean sprouts but all sorts of veggie sprouts that would grow on your window - radish, broccoli, alfalfa etc) - they give you the taste without the bulk; and allegedly very health boms, too.
I think I should put this in a separate topic, just goven the time.
The result is less bloating, feel good, and while it is still TOTM 3+ pounds are gone for good - on PV days only.
B - green tea jelly with husk (grean tea with lemon, stevia, gelatine); muffins with bran
L, D, Ss - soup (350 g chicken in 1 l water per day), an onion, spices, xanthan gum); egg whites omelette, tabbouleh with a handful of sprouted seeds + linseed for design and crunchiness
S green tea jelly
As you see I eat for England...