Soooo today - I've cleaned the house from top to bottom! Apart from having to take my inhaler a few times, my lungs behaved themselves. I was put in a REAL dilemma last night.
After having lunch with my son yesterday - where I mainly ate meat and veg, my gay best friend who I've not seen since my Mams funeral because he started a new job and has been on shifts phoned me to see if I wanted to go out for dinner (his treat) being stuffed from lunch and not wanting to take the p*ss out of the plan by eating out twice in one day I said I couldn't. Anyway he decided to come over for a few hours. He arrives with 3 bottles of wine - and nearly fainted with surprised when I said I don't drink anymore, as I went off to make a cup of camomile and spearmint tea.
He had a few drinks we caught up and filled in all the gaps, he cried his eyes out then threatened to slap me (lol) because I hadn't let on in all our phone calls, texts, emails and on FB how I'd been struggling since Mam passed, I told him it was deliberate to keep it to myself and he said he felt guilty...and I must never keep stuff from him again...blah blah blah.
I've promised to do next Wednesday with him, lunch and shopping (new Christmas outfits for his dog!!). Anyway he left, insisting that he leave a bottle of wine in my fridge
in case I change my mind...
The wine is still there I didn't change my mind - but it did cross my mind every 0.5 seconds - thank god I was knackered and went to bed at 11pm because I think I would of had a glass and then had a cigarette. So today has been many achievements reached for many different reasons.....and I'm very VERY pleased :innocent0002:...
So today I've decided to implement some hypnotherapy to help me on my journey. I would like some portion control and a little bit more willpower in the evening, because where I would normally drink and smoke I'm snacking - which I know SW advocate within the syns and super free food etc...but I'm getting fed up of going to bed with a space hopper belly full of farts
I've had tomato soup made from chicken stock, sieved and canned tomatoes chopped onion and carrot all blended up, with a slice of whole meal bread toasted and left to go cold so was like a yummy chewy cracker (try it). Tonight I'm having pork loin that I've marinated in a little Worcester sauce, mustard powder, onion salt and garlic. Going to have a huge salad with it, with green olives and cherry tomatoes and some nice lemon and cracked pepper balsamic dressing. Got a ton of dwarf strawberries to eat before they go green and I'm having a bowl of them later slightly warmed with sweetener sugar and ff Greek yoghurt. The wine will stay in the fridge...unless the OH drinks it ....nicotine or alcohol poses no problem... So I'm swaggering into my 3rd week without either, and thanking the day I told them both to sod off
Hope you're all having a good Thursday