Busy day again - 2 loads of washing on the line and every single room polished, hoovered and mopped within an inch of its life. Trouble is when the house is sparkling clean like this I don't want the kids and hubs to come home and mess it up again!!...I am a bugger for a place for everything and everything in its place - I like neatness and symmetry BUT I'm not a clean freak I do a basic hoover and wipe round everyday generally because I have 5 cats and they're really rubbish at shedding hair in the bin

but I do a mega clean once a week everything is scrubbed or hoovered or thrown in the washer, 4 adults and 5 house cats in a little 3 bedroomed Victorian terrace gives me no other choice....ANYWAY! Why am I prattling on about this and telling you? Lol..
Breakfast was a lovely piece of seed sensation bread with chopped egg and laughing cow cheese all mashed up with salt and black pepper and spread nice and thick. Followed by a caramel coffee and one of the biggest green apples I've seen in ages but its British and I bought it at the local market...you can't go wrong buying fresh veg and fruit at the local market which luckily is only 15 minutes walk (for the average person) about 30 minutes for me. But I will be going there after my SW class on Friday to buy my blueberries, grapes, apples, tangerines and pears - bought some gorgeous strawberries last week albeit they were Spanish but they where huge! and very sweet and only 90p a punnet.....I'm waffling again ain't I? : D
Lunch was left over sweet potato and carrot soup that I made yesterday morning. Had that with another slice of seed sensation bread with some laughing cow cheese.
Dinner is going to be a huge mixed salad, with baked potatoes, corn-cobs and quorn burgers maybe with a little homemade barbecue sauce drizzled over the top of them.
I've got 2 of my friends coming round tonight to drop some things off that they have bought for the little Grandbaba - they're are more like nieces to me to be honest - my mum was the life long best friend with their nan, and she treated me like a daughter so they see me has an auntie

I don't know where I'm going to put all this stuff that people keep passing onto me for the little jelly bean...it's only 12 weeks old lol..anyway they're coming at around 8.30pm but me being a creature of habit lately and to keep my insomnia at bay I'm usually chilling with my book by 9pm ready for lights out at 10.30...I've not always been this boring but have learned the hard way after years of rebound insomnia that routine is THE only thing that beats insomnia not sedatives, so even though I love my friends very much they're half my age and I don't have even half of their energy lol..
Whatever you are doing on this lovely springlike Tuesday...enjoy it!