Ah, those boys lacking in tact

Mine, surprisingly considering his diagnosis, does try very hard to take people's feelings in to account. He told me today that he is in awe of my strength and struggling to find ways of describing me without being offensive said 'Have you ever seen your muscles?' and then in words I can't remember said that for a fat old lady I was pretty awsome

I can live with that. A few years back he was terrified of me changing and losing my 'blobbiness' as he and his siste called it.
A nice moment came a few years back when my daughter looked at me from behind and said in surprise that I was no longer fat.
Won't it be flipping brilliant to be at target, or nearly there. Are you planning to keep any of your old clothes so that you can amaze yourself every so often of how much you have changed? I kept my old trousers from the first time ever I did this - from size 22/24 and they were getting tight, I got down to nearly a 14 then and putting them on was pretty good, seeing the very tangible difference in body size.
Gotta say, I too am really impressed the way you have got your determination back XXX