Dairy of a yoyo!!

I'm all for random chat. My diary is serious enough that it NEEDS random chat!
Well done on the Loss Tara brilliant!!

Hope the mould issue gets sorted soon for you xxx
Feeling a bit blah.

Should have been out last night, but my friends geandad died :( very sad. The funeral was yesterday.

I didnt manage to find anything else to do so I've eaten. I seem to have lost the plot a bit this week. Not over my points just making the wrong choices. I ate 2 dinners yesterday after a friend invited me round for food and I figured that I wasn't doing anything else and I hadn't seen we for ages so I did. I could have said dont worry about feeding me. But I didn't.

So yesterday looked like this-
4 tesco French toast 4pp
Choc Phili 2pp
Lemon green tea 0pp

Tesco Thai green chicken soup 6pp
Sunbites sour cream and black pepper 3pp
Activia 0% yogurt 2pp
Blueberries 0pp
Banana 0pp
Lemon and ginger tea 0pp

Dinner (this is where it went tits! I was hungry and miserable after work. This is the 2nd time this week I've been to KFC... Hence I feel like its gone wrong. It would have been fine if I hadn't.)
KFC bbq snack wrap 8pp
KFC small fries 5pp
Diet Pepsi 0pp

If I had stopped here I would have had a couple of points left for a snack later then bed time!
But when I got home......

Left over hunters chicken 8pp

which should have been dinner making my day great and healthy and in my dailies

THEN (and it was hard to point because I didnt cook it.)

Tilda boil in the bag-6pp (approx it was 2 bags divided by 3 and there were left overs)

Then a veg/bean chilli made with
Chick peas 1pp
Kidney beans 1pp
Celery 0pp
Tinned toms 0pp
Spices 0pp
Water/stock 0pp
Peppers 0pp
Lime 0pp

God. I'm such a pig. The scales say 17st11 this morning and I have 19pp left til Monday but I can't stop thinking about food!!! If I'm very lucky I will have lost 2lbs this week.

Any opinions or suggestions?! :(
Just updated my signature and stats on the computer. I always use the minimins app. I've nearly lost 10%. X
I've got a load of yr8 marking to do :( not happy. Wish I had someone to hang out with. And do something seriously more exciting!
Don't be so hard on yourself Hun we all have days like it. Maybe get out for a little walk if you can get some fresh air inside you, always helps me. You can do this sweetheart you are doing fab don't let an off week throw you of course to where you want to be xxxx
Don't be so hard on yourself Hun we all have days like it. Maybe get out for a little walk if you can get some fresh air inside you, always helps me. You can do this sweetheart you are doing fab don't let an off week throw you of course to where you want to be xxxx

Thanks babe. :) just had a day in the house inside my head! Not great! You're right I'm going to get out in the last of the sun x
Thanks babe. :) just had a day in the house inside my head! Not great! You're right I'm going to get out in the last of the sun x

There's nothing worse than feeling trapped in your own home not seeing anyone just 4 walls!! It's been sunny here today too still cold but a nice day xxx
Feeling a bit blah.

Should have been out last night, but my friends geandad died :( very sad. The funeral was yesterday.

I didnt manage to find anything else to do so I've eaten. I seem to have lost the plot a bit this week. Not over my points just making the wrong choices. I ate 2 dinners yesterday after a friend invited me round for food and I figured that I wasn't doing anything else and I hadn't seen we for ages so I did. I could have said dont worry about feeding me. But I didn't.

So yesterday looked like this-
4 tesco French toast 4pp
Choc Phili 2pp
Lemon green tea 0pp

Tesco Thai green chicken soup 6pp
Sunbites sour cream and black pepper 3pp
Activia 0% yogurt 2pp
Blueberries 0pp
Banana 0pp
Lemon and ginger tea 0pp

Dinner (this is where it went tits! I was hungry and miserable after work. This is the 2nd time this week I've been to KFC... Hence I feel like its gone wrong. It would have been fine if I hadn't.)
KFC bbq snack wrap 8pp
KFC small fries 5pp
Diet Pepsi 0pp

If I had stopped here I would have had a couple of points left for a snack later then bed time!
But when I got home......

Left over hunters chicken 8pp

which should have been dinner making my day great and healthy and in my dailies

THEN (and it was hard to point because I didnt cook it.)

Tilda boil in the bag-6pp (approx it was 2 bags divided by 3 and there were left overs)

Then a veg/bean chilli made with
Chick peas 1pp
Kidney beans 1pp
Celery 0pp
Tinned toms 0pp
Spices 0pp
Water/stock 0pp
Peppers 0pp
Lime 0pp

God. I'm such a pig. The scales say 17st11 this morning and I have 19pp left til Monday but I can't stop thinking about food!!! If I'm very lucky I will have lost 2lbs this week.

Any opinions or suggestions?! :(

Aww hun hugs xx Must have been something in the water last night! I wanted to eat everything last night, but i figured out why (check my diary lol) and today im right back on track no urges, no feeling guilty, no oh well i ate all that i may aswell eat whatever today so all good if anything it made me realise a trigger for a binge stressing over everylittle thing bloody stupid really there was no need for it so i just need to find the best way to avoid it the next time :)

Perhaps because you were meant to be out and wasnt and the reasons why you wasnt played on your mind abit without you even realising, if you sit and think about what you were feeling at the time it might make some sense.

Dont stress and worry about yesterday hun today is a brand new day and you are back in the game dont let it bring you down. Its a long bumpy journey where we are going to have to face hurdles, we just have to make the right jumps and looking at your food i cant see anything horrible bad you just over ate some healthy things this is going to happen even when we are at target it's all about getting right back to normal as soon as possible which i am sure you are hun.

You are doing great stay strong hun your going to do this xx
You're so lovely x
As are you hun xx
Feeling a bit blah.

Should have been out last night, but my friends geandad died :( very sad. The funeral was yesterday.

I didnt manage to find anything else to do so I've eaten. I seem to have lost the plot a bit this week. Not over my points just making the wrong choices. I ate 2 dinners yesterday after a friend invited me round for food and I figured that I wasn't doing anything else and I hadn't seen we for ages so I did. I could have said dont worry about feeding me. But I didn't.

So yesterday looked like this-
4 tesco French toast 4pp
Choc Phili 2pp
Lemon green tea 0pp

Tesco Thai green chicken soup 6pp
Sunbites sour cream and black pepper 3pp
Activia 0% yogurt 2pp
Blueberries 0pp
Banana 0pp
Lemon and ginger tea 0pp

Dinner (this is where it went tits! I was hungry and miserable after work. This is the 2nd time this week I've been to KFC... Hence I feel like its gone wrong. It would have been fine if I hadn't.)
KFC bbq snack wrap 8pp
KFC small fries 5pp
Diet Pepsi 0pp

If I had stopped here I would have had a couple of points left for a snack later then bed time!
But when I got home......

Left over hunters chicken 8pp

which should have been dinner making my day great and healthy and in my dailies

THEN (and it was hard to point because I didnt cook it.)

Tilda boil in the bag-6pp (approx it was 2 bags divided by 3 and there were left overs)

Then a veg/bean chilli made with
Chick peas 1pp
Kidney beans 1pp
Celery 0pp
Tinned toms 0pp
Spices 0pp
Water/stock 0pp
Peppers 0pp
Lime 0pp

God. I'm such a pig. The scales say 17st11 this morning and I have 19pp left til Monday but I can't stop thinking about food!!! If I'm very lucky I will have lost 2lbs this week.

Any opinions or suggestions?! :(


I know how you feel as this was
Feeling a bit blah.

Should have been out last night, but my friends geandad died :( very sad. The funeral was yesterday.

I didnt manage to find anything else to do so I've eaten. I seem to have lost the plot a bit this week. Not over my points just making the wrong choices. I ate 2 dinners yesterday after a friend invited me round for food and I figured that I wasn't doing anything else and I hadn't seen we for ages so I did. I could have said dont worry about feeding me. But I didn't.

So yesterday looked like this-
4 tesco French toast 4pp
Choc Phili 2pp
Lemon green tea 0pp

Tesco Thai green chicken soup 6pp
Sunbites sour cream and black pepper 3pp
Activia 0% yogurt 2pp
Blueberries 0pp
Banana 0pp
Lemon and ginger tea 0pp

Dinner (this is where it went tits! I was hungry and miserable after work. This is the 2nd time this week I've been to KFC... Hence I feel like its gone wrong. It would have been fine if I hadn't.)
KFC bbq snack wrap 8pp
KFC small fries 5pp
Diet Pepsi 0pp

If I had stopped here I would have had a couple of points left for a snack later then bed time!
But when I got home......

Left over hunters chicken 8pp

which should have been dinner making my day great and healthy and in my dailies

THEN (and it was hard to point because I didnt cook it.)

Tilda boil in the bag-6pp (approx it was 2 bags divided by 3 and there were left overs)

Then a veg/bean chilli made with
Chick peas 1pp
Kidney beans 1pp
Celery 0pp
Tinned toms 0pp
Spices 0pp
Water/stock 0pp
Peppers 0pp
Lime 0pp

God. I'm such a pig. The scales say 17st11 this morning and I have 19pp left til Monday but I can't stop thinking about food!!! If I'm very lucky I will have lost 2lbs this week.

Any opinions or suggestions?! :(


I know how you feel as was me on my previous WW attempts. It's the main reason why fast food is on my abstinence list and why '3 meals a day, no snacks in between' is part of it.

The only thing I can suggest is don't get into the mentality of 'I've blown it now so what the heck'. Don't wait till next week to try and get back on track. Do it now.
Hey hon, I haven't completely blown it. I've had a really miserable and lonely weekend and all I've dont is think about my ex. I'm grumpy and sad and felt like I'd lost control of it on Friday when I hadn't. I'm not sleeping either.

Today is a new day. I've got everything I need to make the right choices. I might have a 26pp day just so I feel a bit more like I've made and actual effort. X
So. Being dragged to a wedding fair In Farnham today :-/ might have to dig out my great nanas engagement ring so I don't look like a complete idiot.


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pretty nails!!!

It is disappointing when we dont keep to plan as it does drag you down emotionally. But you have to do one of to things. Go the way willow fae has and completely remove your 'demons' from your life and say no more. Or go for moderation, accept that fast food is something you enjoy, treat yourself occasionally and make up for it by eating super healthily the rest of the day. This is what I do. I feel amazing when I order much smaller meals too, Im so proud that I am changing my habits and half the time I cant even finish the little Ive ordered.

Its whatever works for you and whatever is the way your mostly likely to stick to. But accept the fact your going to mess up occasionally along the way. You are trying to unlearn 20+ years of behaviour!!! THAT IS A HUGE CHALLENGE!!!

Love you baby girl XXX
Love you hon xx
So I thought I looked awesome today. Have just taken these pics I'm not so sure!!!!

Maybe the skirt is not very flattering!! X


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