Dairy of a yoyo!!

Pay day tonight I think but I will check my account. Should be a goodie too because they've changed the tax rate. Yay!!

I am ok. Work is bad at the mo but I'm coping by writing job applications ;) x
Pay day tonight I think but I will check my account. Should be a goodie too because they've changed the tax rate. Yay!!

I am ok. Work is bad at the mo but I'm coping by writing job applications ;) x

Usually changed tax rate isnt a good thing haha, or well here it isnt. I hope the numbers make you happy ;)
Sorry to hear work is bad, hope your job applications work out for you hehe :D
No room in my teeny tiny freezer.

Work is poo, but tax=pay being up by about £90! Which is awesome.

In other news, I am 17st5 and get this. My totm is here 5 days early! Wtf!!! That's unheard of for me..... So maybe I've been trying stupidly to shift water retention and getting cross about something I can't fix?! Would explain the boob pain!!
No room in my teeny tiny freezer.

Work is poo, but tax=pay being up by about £90! Which is awesome.

In other news, I am 17st5 and get this. My totm is here 5 days early! Wtf!!! That's unheard of for me..... So maybe I've been trying stupidly to shift water retention and getting cross about something I can't fix?! Would explain the boob pain!!
Buy tinnes veg, thats fine as well ;). Nice at pay upfor ninety pounds, Ireckon that buys a lot of veggies.

Your weight really seems to pester you with these things doesnt it? Do you measure inches as well? Hope your tot aches are better soon. Hang in there xx
it sucks that you're early but at least you now know what is going on with you!

yay for extra money! :p
My birthday is tomo! :)
Happy birthday for tomorrow!!! :)
Thank you! X
Birthday polish!


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Happy birthday!!!! Anything special planned? X
Happy birthday!! Woop woop :) xx
Thanks you lovely ladies! Off to my parents In Devon for the weekend- only just arrived! Been spoilt rotten already! X
Aww. Have a great time!!!!

Thanks chick!

Barrym in teal with maxfactor fantasy fire over the top. Would have been neater and nicer if I hadn't done it at midnight and fallen asleep before it dried! Looks awesome in the sunlight though!
lol nail painting takes so much patience that I often do not have :p

Hope you had a lovely birthday!
Hope you are well and that you had a great weekend with parents :) xx