Dairy of a yoyo!!

I drink rarely BUT when I drink I will drink. Any thing and everything. And I do not get as drunk as I should and my hangovers last for 3 days. I can't do it anymore. My poor liver!!!
This is a pheasant hole.


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So it's literally a pheasant hole lol... I thought maybe it was a fancy name for something hahaha!!!
No no! Not fancy. Didn't even see it. I was on the motorway doing 70mph. Head a loud bang and carried on going!!!! Doh! Don't know how to fix it!!!
No no! Not fancy. Didn't even see it. I was on the motorway doing 70mph. Head a loud bang and carried on going!!!! Doh! Don't know how to fix it!!!

Lol what a silly pheasant for being on the motorway, they're awfuk stupid walking out on roads all the time. I'd say it looked fairly funny in other people's mirrors seeing your car speed by with a bird hanging out of it hehe.
Can you just pull it out?
This was from just after christmas! I fixed it..... Just have a big hole left. Bit annoying.
Did you pull it out or get someone else to do it?
I was gonna say! I thought it had happened to you again! lol Now that would be bad luck!

Did it break up, or come out intact?
Well, it's a long story but it was whole and undamaged. It was like road runner- went through and opened its wings so it was a bit tricky and involved me being flappy and squeamish at what was inside the car (coincidently nothing). I used a tea towel, a coat hanger a bin bag and a bottle. I was quite proud of myself.
Well, it's a long story but it was whole and undamaged. It was like road runner- went through and opened its wings so it was a bit tricky and involved me being flappy and squeamish at what was inside the car (coincidently nothing). I used a tea towel, a coat hanger a bin bag and a bottle. I was quite proud of myself.

I did jump up and down and jazz hand and squeak a bit. Then chucked it in the wheeley bin!!
How's it going hon? :) x
Just popping by to say Hi hun and keep up the great and amazing work :)

Ekk on the phesant hole!!

love ya xx
Hey darling ! Ur so lovely!!!
So 17st 5lb this morning! -2 this week after a little sts and uping and downing! I'm finally back in control!!

And my stomach seems to be smaller..... Well one of the rolls anyway! Significantly smaller!! I am thrilled! I must be toning!!!

So feeling pretty good! So went shopping! Of course!! Much better then the shopping day on Saturday- that was an interesting experience..... Girls let me tell you do NOT get measure for a bra in Evans. It's a joke. So I'm currently wearing a 40H beautiful panache bra and its not quite right and its been my only fitting bra for more then a year so I think it's probably had it. I nipped into Evans thinking that I won't spend my normal fortune I'd just get some cheapy ones to tide me over while I lost weight. So I've ended up with a mingling bra that doesn't fit- even thought I had a fitting!! Why can't I just say no go away!?!?!? I had some money off it because there was a tear on the strap of one (10% off) but now I know that it doesn't fit and it was a pack of 2 now non returnable. F*^%s sake!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway that was Saturday! Today....... See attached pics of new lush scarf! Bought a lush spotty dress and lush spotty top!!!!!!!!!! I'm a happy lass.....!!


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Dress is from Masai clothing company and is labelled simply as an XL. Just looked it up and that's an 18/20.

Fab! Might have FINALLY dropped a dress size!!!!!