Daisy's food log...

Hi Daisy

That looks really healthy for today, but very low on calories. What would be the days total?

Ta xx
hi there
i had a shake and porridge later and another apple - total cals were about 1000 for the day

think thats about right for week 5

starting week 6 today woo hoo

daisy x
MMmm Yummy. Well done Daisy.
hmm - but did you spot the unallowed intruder t_i?

the go-ahead bar sort of slipped in..... testing myself - or stroppy child just wanted it!

daisy x
LOL Daisy No I didn't spot that.

I used to eat a whole pack of go ahead biscuits at a time - just because they were 'healthier' I felt that was OK!! I have definitely changed in my head. I'm sure one bar won't do any harm. It's whether one leads to cravings for 2 and 3 and 4....

Slowly does it. You have pulled back from earlier issues brilliantly. Well done.
thats it t_i,
i was testing myself - just had the one and was more than happy! - i passed the test (this time anyway! fingers crossed it stays that way)
daisy x
went out to zizzis last night for husbands birthday

i had
5 olives as an appetiser

roasted asparagus with lemon and gran padano cheese (i ate half of the very thinly sliced cheese, not allowed yet, but lovely)

caesar salad with prawns ( asked for dressing on side, but it was all mixed in. left the ciabatta croutons)

1/3 bottle of red wine

1 glass of red wine after in pub

I was really pleased with my choices and it was a lovely meal.

I get weighed later today - i think i will have gained at least a couple of lbs. Its my TOTM and i feel bloated, plus this week its been sweetcorn, sweet potatoes etc introduced which i think have had an effect on my weight.

i don't mind tho as i am expecting to put up to 1/2 stone on in RTM and as long as i can still get in my clothes at the end of it everything is OK!

daisy x
Great positive attitude Daisy. I bet you haven't gained as much as you think.I put on 9lbs whilst on holiday- far too much alcohol!! but I've managed to lose 5.5lbs of that in my 1st week back- I'm trying not too focus too much on my weight as i'm pretty much at target , the most important bit is my new relationship with food and being in control.
Anyway, you seem to be doing great and glad you had a lovely night out :)
To echo BC - great work Daisy, you sound well in control and on top of choices. Bet the WI wasn't as 'bad' as you thought!
monday was much better - its so much easier being at work.

breakfast: LL porrige and froz fruit
mid morning: apple and banana
lunch: LL bar
afternoon: dried fruit 75g
tea: 2 scrambled eggs and smoked salmon
total greek yog - frozen fruit
late:total greek yog
cereal bar

ok - so, am hooked on the go-ahead bars but have decided that as long as i plan it in and my cals are right then its ok. crooked thinking prob, but if it keeps me on track and stops me feeling deprived, then i am choosing it for the right reason!
Hi Daisy - what would you have if the go-ahead bars weren't in the cupboard?

And you aren't eating more than one a day so I think you are definitely in control. Well done. xxx
t_i - i'd walk over the road to the shop and buy some - its open 24/7 lol!

daisy x
Ahh I guess sometimes convenience shops are too convenient! At least you'd need to walk! We don't have the luxury of a shop that close.
yes i'd have to walk - all of about 50 yards!
its great as we are really near 3 pubs,post office, supermarket, banks, cake shops, cafes etc but it does have its down sides at times like this!!
hi there
have had a good week
not so good weekend

went to my sis and saw her and my mum and dad who ive not seen for about 2 months

everyone was saying i looked good - but need to put on a bit of weight

i think i will by end of RTM anyway so not really bothered by comments im looking gaunt etc

however have gone off plan again this weekend.
cake mainly (was dads 70th birthday) and pudding.

not eaten any bread, potatoes,cereal,pasta,rice,cheese etc so stil on plan as far that goes - just cake!

i know its excuses but i feel very 'end of term-ish' at the moment - i break up on fri for the 6 weeks hols, which is goingt o be a nightmare really food wise, but i am planning on planning really well when i do break up

i always find tasks building up close to the hoildays - washing, bills etc all gets a bit hectic and my eating is doing the same

i need to re-focus this week - and i will

on a positive note i have been running x3 this week and swimming too so happy on that front
daisy x
Hi Daisy

I think you know your weakness by now. The question is going to be how do you cope around cakes, obviously not trying to avoid them but control your eating? Planning is always the best, but I can see that's not always possible.

Don't worry about the comments (I don't think you are), it takes a bit of adjustment for people who haven't seen us for a few months but provided you're healthy & happy that's the main thing.
ouch - stood on scales this morning and they said 8 10 - thats 5 more than'normal'
have a really put on 5lbs???

hmmmm not sure what to think - my clothes still fit which is a relief!

maybe its the kick up the bum i need?

anyway, have made good choices today - and been for a 20 min run and a 20 min walk.

breakfast: LL porridge and banana
snack: apple and 50g prunes
lunch: yellow pepper soup, yoghurt and 12 grapes
snack: yoghurt and 5 almonds
dinner: 2 quorn sausages, 1/4 tin lentils, spinach, tbsp pine nuts
late: LL bar

daisy x
after a good day yesterday its all gone wrong again...

oh dear this food malarkey isn't easy!

ive managed to have 2000 calories today somehow

oh dear

oh well, its done - cant undo it

tomorrow is another day - i need to plan, that is where i am going wrong...

i need to get my mantra back and use it when tempted....

its only food
its only food
its only food

it will still be there tomorrow
i know what it tastes like

its only food

daisy x

Sorry to hear you're having ups and downs. Are you still going to your weigh ins and group sessions? You may need pop-ins to help you settle into a routine and break the week into smaller control bites. xx