Dana's Diary

Well still going really well and I have increased the exercise. Am really happy on this diet and not craving anything - well maybe Helman's Mayonaise.
Can anyone tell me how to change the title in this thread - I don't want to be a newbie anymore?
go to your first post and click edit, then click go advanced. you should be able to change the title then.
I missed this thread before.

I'd certainly not advise skipping PV days. Vegetables and salads form an integral part of a person's "normal", and removing them every other day from our daily food intake is bad enough. Any "water weight" taken in on a PV day, he goes on to explain, is quickly removed the next PP day, so that's not an issue.

With any weight loss campaign, at target weight when it's all over, we need to have learned some good habits which have become a matter of course to us.

I admit to not having been a fan of veg/salad in my previous life (aka fat life). I love them now though...
Really happy today - more lbs off.

Went out for lunch yesterday and was very proud of myself
Order two giant skewers of chicken served with chips (which I didn't realise) but didn't touch one of them.

Today's feast:
B: Youghurt and oatbran
Lunch: Roast chicken, brocoli, swede
Tea: Plain chicken, 2 eggs
Supper: Yoghurt and oatbran
Lots of water, 2 coffees

Going out on Tuesday to buy new trousers for work - a size smaller. Yippeeee.
Just thought I would let you know that I am still here. It's been a busy couple of weeks preparing students for GCSE exams and A levels so haven't been coming on here. Nice to see you all again.
Well I have had a bad couple of weeks - not because I have slipped off the diet or anything like that but I made a startling discovery with my scales. They were new when I started the diet and I kept them in the bedroom which has a carpet. I am a bit of a scale freak so am always on them since starting this diet. Anyway - I got on them sometime last week (or was it the week before - time has melded together) and I had put on 7lb. Wow was I shocked. Anyhow, after messing around with them we discovered that they were not accurate because of the carpet. If you stood on them and leaned forward to read them, the weight would go down and as you stood up the weight went up.
I was very depressed as I realised that I hadn't actually lost the weight I thought I had. I didn't fall off the diet though and it made me more determined. So...we moved the scales to the bathroom where we don't have a carpet and they are now weighing consistently. But then I got to thinking, they must have been dodgy in the first place when I did my early weighing, so I probably have lost the pounds, but just don't know my initial starting weight.
My trousers are all too big and so many people are now commenting on the weight I have lost so I feel as though I am a winner.
I can't really calculate my weight loss properly now so I am not going to my stats until I get to the weight I have already put in which is only another couple of pounds.

Wow I think that is the longest post I've made.
How are you doing now with it Dana? Weighing scales settled? Really annoying, that. Hope the exam papers are as you'd hoped and prepped them for.