Cambridge Counsellor
its so strange isnt it the first time around 790 let me have the odd little deviations. perhaps it was because i had so much weight to lose then. Im almost scared to try it because it has been so hard getting into ss. I just keep thinking just stick with it another day. Life has never been so boring for me though.
It is true to say that when I see people at their highest weight, some people can still get away with having extras on the diet and losing weight. It doesn't last long. Those on 790kcal soon find out that they lose their ability to deviate from the plan. I've always been the same anything extra in a week will stall my weight loss for up to a week. So I have to be really strict. But when I am I'll lose 3lbs a week on 790kcal which is the same as I'd lose on SS.