Dangerous Debz Does Another Dull Diary

Can I just say that I love reading your daily diary entries!! You may think they are really boring or unexciting but its great to have an insight into someone elses day to day life (or maybe its cos I am just nosey!!)

Anyway, keep it up :D

BTW there's now a forum of people groaning and thinking 'nooooo don't encourage her' ...:p
That's the bit I don't like about hols is the washing. Hopefully this year we'll come back at the same time as our cases and I can get it all done before I start work again. Last year they lost a case and I seemed to be doing holiday washing for weeks.

Glad things are OK.

I was busy today. I saw some clients this morning. Then I got on with some chores this afternoon including sorting a CD order, some preordering to cover my holiday and also finishing off the thank you presents for Matt's nursery teachers. Little person shaped photo frames with a picture of his face in the head bit. Very cute. Matt coloured them in.

I've got a lot done, but I'm sure there's something I've forgotten.

It's our wedding anniversary today. We stood next to each other in Woolies picking his n her cards yesterday. We went to the cinema on Saturday to see Journey to the Centre of the Earth in 3D, love the glasses, so I said we didn't have to do anything about presents. Plus tonight I'm working anyway, although I've only got 4 people booked in. So I could be done in record time this evening.

Belated Happy Anniversary!!!

How many years?

Love Mini xxx
Thank you Mini. 7 years married. But we've been together for 14, this November.

Just been to the osteopath. The man's a genius. Next time he's going to stab my neck with an acupuncture needle, I can't wait. With all the walking I do my calf muscles just get really tight. He's sorted them out again. He's done my back and he's done my neck. My back gets so tight, he uses his elbow on it. It all feels a lot better now. Of course I'm going to undo all the good he's done when I fall asleep on the sofa tonight, but the way I look at it is, I'm helping him pay his mortgage by going to see him every month, so what the hell. :)
This morning I have covered my ankles in Jungle Formula. Just on the off chance that whatever keeps taking a chunk out of them as I walk through the woods in the morning doesn't like the stuff.

It seems the Prozac is still going strong, which is just as well because Matt woke me up at about 3am and I haven't slept since. Yet, and this is the bit I don't understand, I'm more awake this morning than I am on mornings when I've slept all through the night. So I really don't know what's going on with my sleep patterns.

Anyhoo, I'm not even worried about the fact that I've double booked an appointment this evening. Well sort of. I said to someone coming for her initial consultation by bus to aim to be early rather than late cos OH needs the room after a certain time. I told her any time after 6pm would be fine because I'm not seeing that many people this evening. (Actually I'm due to see 10 - ooops) The actual appointment time for an initial is 7.30pm and I've got people aiming to be here at that time for their weigh in. (ooops again) I knew there was a reason why I stop signing people up a couple of weeks before I go on holiday.

Anyway, I'll wing it.
We've got Matt's sports day at nursery today. He's in the red team. I'm wearing red trousers, (brand new, which I have sat here this morning and hemmed - as you do with new trousers - I do pick em :rolleyes:) Danny has an orange tee shirt, and Matt is all in red. Then after that hour they are doing coffee and tea and Matt can hand out his little photo frames he's coloured in and hopefully I'll get home a bit earlier than I normally do at that time of day.

Last night I had enough postponed appointments to mean that I wasn't as over run as I thought I was going to be. In the end apart from keeping a couple of ladies waiting a little bit longer than I would have liked, I did OK.
Tonight is a very sedate evening. I probably have about 4 or 5. And usually on a Thursday night I use the time to get the next order done.
Had sports day at nursery. Oddly enough both the red and the blue team won again this year. Fancy that! Had coffee and biscuits afterwards, nice, haven't had a bourbon in months. Then Matt handed out his wooden person shaped photo frames with a picture of him as goodbye presents, the teachers loved them. Then we walked home. I have had a whole three hours at home in one go today. Marvellous. That's an hour longer than usual.

I've been busy with pre orders for when I go away on holiday. Clearing my email and processing the orders took me an hour! :)

I may leave Matt here with Danny this afternoon and go and get Gemma on my own, save me pushing the bloody pushchair up hills there and back.

I've got only one more day of walking 6 miles a day left, and only 3 more days of having to use the pushchair because it's too far for Matt to walk more than once or twice a day. And that's it.

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to celebrate abandoning the pushchair, but I have no intention of using it during the summer holidays if I can avoid it. We get a bus to the village, so I don't need it then, and if I'm out with Dad I'm planning some days out by car so I won't need it then. And if we're on our own, we'll get the bus up to the other shops too.

I may have to burn the bloody thing in celebration. :D I wonder if my back will feel at all different from not having to push it when Matt's at school.
It's Friday. YAY. I can't tell you how pleased I am that its Friday. :party0023:

I've got it all planned out now.

I have one more day of 6 miles left which is today. Bugger it, I'm going to do it the easy way, I'm not taking the pushchair this afternoon, instead we're going by bus for half a mile. So we'll leave early and get the bus, in case one doesn't turn up for ages, I'll still have time. Then we'll go to the coffee shop and wait for Gemma to come out of school. Same thing next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. :bliss:

The little man leaves nursery today. I'm so emotionally crap at these things I just think 'yep onto the next stage in life.' I can't feel sad about it. There's nothing to be sad about. I'm going to lose a clock watching lunch time. I'm going to lose one set of queueing and waiting for him to come out. I'm going to have an extra hour to myself and the business from September 4th. His teachers are all sad that he's going though. He's been there every day for the last two academic years. :cry:

So I propose to stick the pushchair in the garage, thus freeing up some space on the floor in the hall, which is just as well because my 'office' is full of piles of stock ear marked for people to collect next week to cover my holiday and I'm running out of floor space. Piles Monday and Wednesday are about to converge in the centre of the room and I feel a minor Cambridge tectonic event coming on if I don't move them apart.

It is also not technically possible to store enough chocolate velvet in a three bedroom house for over 30 people for three weeks supply. I know I've tried. And I'm running out. I have another 10 trays coming in on Monday. I doubt that will be enough to do what I have to do at the beginning of the week.

Oh and just so that I can have a moan, the toes on my left foot hurt when I walk. Nice. Body - you're fired.

Ooh look arses :massmoon:
Monday 21st July

I'm definitely in holiday mode now. I've got a house full of CD orders ready to collect. (Oh please let the nice man deliver my order today, I've got no spare trays of velvet at all)

Matt is home for the summer. Gemma only has until Wednesday and then she's off for the summer.

I ate normally at the weekend when we went away to the caravan, and gave myself a nice IBS attack. Brilliant.

Speak of the devil - nice man with boxes is here.
Once again I think I've caught up with everything I needed to do. I have unpacked and sorted the stock. I've put together some more pre orders. I've made the lunches for tomorrow. I've done the washing. I've even swept the floors downstairs in preparation for tonights weigh ins.

Tonights family dinners will be salad with various protein/carb concoctions. I'll eat mine after work. Work should hopefully end at about 7.30pm. Followed by frantic online ordering. Gotta love that online ordering.

I hear someone let slip the flavour of the new tetra. Looking forward to trying that. Where the bloody hell am I going to store it? Will have to look into rearranging the first bookcase again.

Must fill up the aquarium, the constant sound of running water is playing havoc with my bladder. :character00180::gen157: Think that's it for water smilies. Whoosh. OK this is ridiculous, loo first then where's the watering can, gotta fill the tank up.
Once again I think I've caught up with everything I needed to do. I have unpacked and sorted the stock. I've put together some more pre orders. I've made the lunches for tomorrow. I've done the washing. I've even swept the floors downstairs in preparation for tonights weigh ins.

Tonights family dinners will be salad with various protein/carb concoctions. I'll eat mine after work. Work should hopefully end at about 7.30pm. Followed by frantic online ordering. Gotta love that online ordering.

I hear someone let slip the flavour of the new tetra. Looking forward to trying that. Where the bloody hell am I going to store it? Will have to look into rearranging the first bookcase again.

Must fill up the aquarium, the constant sound of running water is playing havoc with my bladder. :character00180::gen157: Think that's it for water smilies. Whoosh. OK this is ridiculous, loo first then where's the watering can, gotta fill the tank up.

busy busy....hopefully you've finished for the night and will get a chance to put your feet up...and maybe even fall asleep on the sofa :p

how many more sleeps til your holiday ??

Debz x
Hi Debz, how are you doing?

I have 6 more sleeps til my holiday. And yep, I've just finished for the evening.

Tomorrow is a day off. I'm going shopping. Which would be really exciting if I actually enjoyed shopping, but I'm the one woman on the planet who doesn't. The up side is that Dad and I will take Matt into Starbucks and I will have a tall skinny sugar free vanilla latte. So it's not all bad.

Anyway, time for dinner. Hopefully I'll finish eating it before I fall asleep on the sofa. :)
Hi Debz, how are you doing?

I have 6 more sleeps til my holiday. And yep, I've just finished for the evening.

Tomorrow is a day off. I'm going shopping. Which would be really exciting if I actually enjoyed shopping, but I'm the one woman on the planet who doesn't. The up side is that Dad and I will take Matt into Starbucks and I will have a tall skinny sugar free vanilla latte. So it's not all bad.

Anyway, time for dinner. Hopefully I'll finish eating it before I fall asleep on the sofa. :)

oh no you're not..... I hate hate hate shopping....another thing we have in common......:rolleyes:

6 more sleeps ?? fantastic !!!

hope you didn't nod off into your din din !

catch ya tomorrow hun.....

Debz xx
Tuesday 22nd July

OK so after much IBS explosions from my weekend away (if TMI - stop reading my diary and get on with what you're supposed to be doing! :p) I've lost 2lbs of the 4 that I put on. Another 2lbs to go before my holiday on Sunday and then I should be happy with that. But my GOD this water retention on my belly really gives me jellybelly effect. Still only another two weeks of water retention before it resets itself and I get about a week off. Anyone detect any sarcasm there?

I have discovered that nuts are in and big salads are out. Nuts do not affect my IBS large salads do. Apparently I may be OK with pears and bananas too. But not sweet corn. But then with my IBS that can change from week to week so who knows.

Anyway, (I don't think I've used an anyway yet - I do have a habit of starting every paragraph with one) as I was saying - anyway, the Prozac has now kicked in. So I think its safe to come out now. I don't think I'm going to kill anyone just yet. Much relief all round.
oh no you're not..... I hate hate hate shopping....another thing we have in common......:rolleyes:

6 more sleeps ?? fantastic !!!

hope you didn't nod off into your din din !

catch ya tomorrow hun.....

Debz xx

Got up this morning and there was no coleslaw in my hair so I think I finished it all before I fell asleep. Although I can't say the same for the programme I was watching. I can't actually remember which programme I was watching. Thank God for PVRs.
As is customary for me with a few days to go before a holiday, I've got a stinking cold. I was awake a lot of last night not being able to breathe.

Sudafed 12 hour relief is now wearing off with a few hours to go before I can take another one. More like 8 hours relief.

I've had a relaxing day. I spent ages in the coffee shop with my friend Maria. Then I did a bit of work at home. Danny's sandwiches are done for tomorrow the washing is put away. Tonight's dinner is pasta. I've got the orders to organise for tonight so I can lay my hands on them. And there's one more to put together, then I'm done, well apart from weighing about 9 people tonight.

I am bloody knackered.
As is customary for me with a few days to go before a holiday, I've got a stinking cold. I was awake a lot of last night not being able to breathe.

Sudafed 12 hour relief is now wearing off with a few hours to go before I can take another one. More like 8 hours relief.

I've had a relaxing day. I spent ages in the coffee shop with my friend Maria. Then I did a bit of work at home. Danny's sandwiches are done for tomorrow the washing is put away. Tonight's dinner is pasta. I've got the orders to organise for tonight so I can lay my hands on them. And there's one more to put together, then I'm done, well apart from weighing about 9 people tonight.

I am bloody knackered.

Sheesh, bought these menthol inhalation crystals from the chemist today. They are so strong if feels like my head is going to explode. But at least I can breathe. Pah oxygen is so overrated.

lol.....oh dear.....there's no doubt that your sense of humour is going to get you through today....one way or another!!!!:eek::D