bought prep H, notice difference already, if it could free me of these bags, I believe it would boost my confidence no end
stick with it chic
bought prep H, notice difference already, if it could free me of these bags, I believe it would boost my confidence no end
Does anyone use anything to hide dark under eye circles?
You could try a caffeine roll on from any chemist, it works for me and it makes me look wide-awake. I forgotten the name but the chemist should put you right. Dark circles are usually caused by kidney problems or even eyestrain from not getting enough sleep.Mine are really awful and some days I look like a panda!! lol
I always thought my poor diet & lack of water intake was to blame but I've been on the straight and narrow for months now & it's not improved at all.
Is there anything I can buy to help?
wow I never considered it being linked to kidney problems. I always have worse bags if I'm tired but even if I have plenty of good sleep they don't fade completely. I guess the whole link with toxins in the body would make it possible for the bags to be related to the kidneys.
Anyway, today had an interesting theory put to me, I was getting my make up done in Boots (needed to buy some new foundation so was trying out different things) and the girl doing it told me I had really dry skin around my eyes and asked if I suffered from exzema. I do suffer from exzema and often I get very itchy eyes. Perhaps this is linked to the dark circles?
wow I never considered it being linked to kidney problems. I always have worse bags if I'm tired but even if I have plenty of good sleep they don't fade completely. I guess the whole link with toxins in the body would make it possible for the bags to be related to the kidneys.
Anyway, today had an interesting theory put to me, I was getting my make up done in Boots (needed to buy some new foundation so was trying out different things) and the girl doing it told me I had really dry skin around my eyes and asked if I suffered from exzema. I do suffer from exzema and often I get very itchy eyes. Perhaps this is linked to the dark circles?