Dark Under Eye Circles

you could try the garnier roll on...........it helps reduce black bags a little
I'm a 20 year old lad and have had bags under my eyes for ages, though they were particulaly bad 2-3 years ago however i consulted a doctor and was told that it was probably due to a lack of vitamin A-D coupled with a lack of vitamins in my diet (had a diet of chips), so in solution i bought some vitamin D pills (turns into vitamin A), and tried to eat healthier, and as well as getting some colour into my face, it has reduced them somewhat.
I don't drink caffeine or smoke and have really bad circles under my eyes. Normally use touch eclat although this doesn't get rid of them completely. Might have to try lilac concealer or prep h see if it helps, bit worried about putting stuff so close to my eyes though!
Does anyone use anything to hide dark under eye circles?
Mine are really awful and some days I look like a panda!! lol :D

I always thought my poor diet & lack of water intake was to blame but I've been on the straight and narrow for months now & it's not improved at all.

Is there anything I can buy to help?
You could try a caffeine roll on from any chemist, it works for me and it makes me look wide-awake. I forgotten the name but the chemist should put you right. Dark circles are usually caused by kidney problems or even eyestrain from not getting enough sleep.
I forgot to mention, chemicals in shampoo’s or certain soaps, as these chemicals also go into the blood stream and must be filtered by the kidneys.

Best of luck
wow I never considered it being linked to kidney problems. I always have worse bags if I'm tired but even if I have plenty of good sleep they don't fade completely. I guess the whole link with toxins in the body would make it possible for the bags to be related to the kidneys.
Anyway, today had an interesting theory put to me, I was getting my make up done in Boots (needed to buy some new foundation so was trying out different things) and the girl doing it told me I had really dry skin around my eyes and asked if I suffered from exzema. I do suffer from exzema and often I get very itchy eyes. Perhaps this is linked to the dark circles?
wow I never considered it being linked to kidney problems. I always have worse bags if I'm tired but even if I have plenty of good sleep they don't fade completely. I guess the whole link with toxins in the body would make it possible for the bags to be related to the kidneys.
Anyway, today had an interesting theory put to me, I was getting my make up done in Boots (needed to buy some new foundation so was trying out different things) and the girl doing it told me I had really dry skin around my eyes and asked if I suffered from exzema. I do suffer from exzema and often I get very itchy eyes. Perhaps this is linked to the dark circles?

Dark circles

Dark circles are no more than loose blood leaking from tiny capillaries around the eyes. The body finds it difficult to mop them up, hence, the famous dark bluish- red look.

Major causes are allergies, age, and bad nutrition.
Things like harsh lighting and anaemia can make them look worse.

A product called ‘Revitalume’ claims results on first application, with a free 30-day trial. I guess that’s a good deal.
Witch hazel dabbed around the eyes (neat) helps to open and expand the capillaries which helps with the mopping up process. Or, you could try optrex eye masks from Boots the chemist.
Finally, beware of so called ‘Medicated shampoos’: there not the same as normal shampoos, and some people are allergic to them.
wow I never considered it being linked to kidney problems. I always have worse bags if I'm tired but even if I have plenty of good sleep they don't fade completely. I guess the whole link with toxins in the body would make it possible for the bags to be related to the kidneys.
Anyway, today had an interesting theory put to me, I was getting my make up done in Boots (needed to buy some new foundation so was trying out different things) and the girl doing it told me I had really dry skin around my eyes and asked if I suffered from exzema. I do suffer from exzema and often I get very itchy eyes. Perhaps this is linked to the dark circles?

Dermatitis (eczema)

Try not to spend to long in the shower or bathroom especially in very hot water. This washes too much oil from the skins surface. Consider a humidifier for your home.

Be careful of moisturising lotions: if its label lists water or alcohol among its first three or four ingredients, it may dry your skin.

A few tips: Tree tea oil, calendula (rich in lycopene) also known as pot- marigold, all from a good health shops.