Hi there, I wanted it done because of 3 reasons. Firstly to improve my skin as I have acne on my back, chest, neck and mildly on my face & secondly as a way of saying goodbye to my old lifestyle and lastly to help with constipation. I know there are sceptics of its effectiveness in helping with acne but hey ho I'm a believer. My mom was saying I dunno what your having that done for its not natural. I'm an open minded person and saw a qualified nurse practitioner so felt confident having it done that I wasn't at risk. I'm looking forward to having it done again next Friday, then I'm booked in for the Friday after that. From then I'll probably have it done again when I'm on the higher steps. I'm also feeling quite confident that staying 100% on CD will hopefully cure my acne. It's not that bad but bad enough that I wouldn't wear a vest top or a swimming costume xx