Day 1 - 15.48


As it says, day 1, nowhere near tea time and I'm absolutely starving!!! I've had a shake this morn and a bar at lunch. Is it far too early to have my last shake? Will I be going to bed extremely hungry?
I'm trying with my water intake. Prob had bout 1 1/2 litres now (total struggle). When will these hunger pangs go? :(
Hiya, I'm actually starting the exante total solutions tomorrow so I can't speak on personal experience. But when my friend did another VLCD diet it was only the first 3 days that she felt really hungry. It should go after a few days, it all depends on how long it takes for your body to go into ketosis. I think once your in it the hunger pangs go! Good luck and don't give up, just think how good you'll feel after completing a week and the weight loss will keep you motivated :)!! x
Also try and drink water everytime you do feel hungry, it temporarily fills the stomach so your brain thinks your full.. keep drinking. Also have black coffee, coke zero.. search on here 'drinks your allowed on exante' and it should come up with a thread talking about it.
Hi There - Well the first few days are bound to be tough, unfortunately. Try drinking lots of water - even sparkling water to keep yourself feeling full - maybe a can of coke zero and that Marigold bouillon- vegetable drink is allowed also, and that will help. Black coffee and Tea - maybe a tiny few drops of skimmed milk would be OK also. If you have this stuff in, it's there for you at times like this. Of course you could have your final shake soon, but will you be feeling hungry again in a few hours. Good luck with getting through today - you'll be less hungry tomorrow.
(Big sigh!) Oh I'm sure you are all right. Only 2 more days of this then (I hope) I can't give up. Feel uncomfortable in my skin never mind my clothes!
I might try the bouillon (is like a soup or gravy type substance) Gonna hold out til 6 for my shake I think. Just need to cross the hurdle that is the kids tea now lol!
Hi hope you get on ok, tea, coffee and coke zero count towards your fluid in take.

Good luck
Thank you!! I do feel a bit better now I've had my last shake. If I've got through day one there's no way I'm quitting. I will just hibernate til ketosis hits now :) x
Hey! Try and do something to take your mind off the hunger. Im on day 22 now, so the hunger has well and truly left me! Keep drinking water, as far as I know coke zero/tea/coffee/bouillon do not count towards your daily water intake. I tend to have my shakes and bars quite late in the day. I take my first shake or bar about 1pm, the second at 6ish and the last at about 10pm...Try jiggling your times about, see if that makes a difference too. You're only on day 1, another couple of days should see you in ketosis. I promise, the hunger does go away :)
I'm on day one too... I'm finding drinking a glass of water helps. I'm off to bed in a minute to stop thinking about food!!!!
Omg day 22 seems so long away lol. I hope I get there. Its nice knowing everyone in the same boat. Feeling really really hungry again now so I'm gonna go bed aswell. Don't think I could hold out as late as that for my first shake. Gonna keep myself busy tomoz an c if that helps :) x
all fluid you drink counts towards your intake hun , and yep day 1 is tough , but by day 5 at the latest you will be finding it much easier , and day 22 wont be that far away , it does fly by as you watch the weight fly off !!! I have my packs quite late too , my first soup at 5pm , then porridge at 7pm and bar at 9pm , you could try splitting them in half and having 6 smaller meals , or sometimes in the first week I have 4 packs ( wont make any difference to loss) as it helps me through the hard part
good luck for day 2 :)
Thanks determinator :) I'm feeling more positive today! I've held off from having anything yet. Will try to hold out til lunch. Don't know how u possibly starve til 5 tho lol. The thought of new clothes an summer will spur me on. Goin tesco soon to stock up on coke zero :) x
Hello sorry i dont know much about this diet but try filling up on fluids and distract yourself doing something else. :)
When i lost weight on CD , I would never have my first shake till 1pm , bar or soup about 5 or 6pm and that would keep me going then till about 9 or 10pm ...........filled up on sparkling water inbetween helped a litre a day plus black coffee. I stopped doing CD in december 2010 and since then even when not on a diet I drink my coffee black , cant stand it with milk now , even with skimmed milk its too creamy
Well it's day 2 now. Didn't seem quite as bad but I've reached that really really hungry point. Would it be bad to have a piece of ham or a boiled egg? Please someone reply fast before I just eat lol. Would this be more detrimental than another shake say? Eeek!
You need to have your shake, as it will have all of the vitamins and nutrients that you need.... I'm on day 2 as well and finding it hard but I promise it will get easier. The first 3 days in my experience of LL were tough and then you have to learn to deal with mental hunger rather than physical xx