It's good to see you back. I knew you would be!
Would it be useful to have a read back of your diary and pin point exactly where you started to waver last time and why? Might help you to put together a strategy to prevent it happening again.
Anyway I admire anyone who doesn't give in. I'm currently in need of half a stone off ( jeans horribly tight as I've eaten too much cake ) so I'll be around a bit more
Thanks Greta, will take a afternoon / evening to read through whilst hubby watches the footy, good idea as it will also give me a insight into the " happy " days & feelings which will alas boost me.
Not sure what I expect my overall loss to be this week as I usually walk lots but because I'm off work I'm not very active at the moment, small walks daily of 20 mins or so and that's it I'm wrecked which isn't me at all but fingers crossed the new meds work. On the plus side my GP hasn't once mentioned my weight so that's a good thing as it usually sends me reaching for the crisps !
I've just found famous items from my previous journey and have put them together in my wardrobe although I did eBay lots to make room for my big stuff again.
I have a size 10 Ralph Lauren dress hubby bought me in Macy's in Vegas on our honeymoon ( I know its one of his favourite photos of me for him ) I also have the dress i wore to the evening of our wedding, which i love and it was bought only with the intention of showing off my new figure ( one of my favourite EVER photos ) also have couple of blouses and jeans in 14 & 12's . At the mo I will be thrilled to get into 16 jeans. As for tops & jackets, I always lose slowest on my top half but will hunt out some other motivational items to keep me going.
Just to feel my things getting loose will be a bonus at the mo but I do know that its fast results so I'm quite happy to think I will drop a size a month if not more, I'm currently sat in New look inspire size 20 skinny jeans with a Evans flowing leopard print chiffon type blouse, thinks by blouse is a 26 ?but that's because I like them floaty.
Anyway great to see you here and no doubt you will shift the pesky half st, good on you for knowing what works and for raining it in before it gets out of hand ( unlike me ) I shall no doubt be pestering you for advice for many months to come x x x x