Silver Member
Good morning lovely 
Oh you will see the big changes ... and soon!
I totally understand the urge to weigh, weigh, weigh ... but you have to resist tell yourself you'll on check every 3 days as a treat (if you drive, put the scales in your boot - you won't fancy nipping out there first thing in the morning!); I was an obsessive 'weigher', the problem was little or no loss sent me into a tail spin, so my CDC at the time literally came to my home on a surprise visit and TOOK my scales!!!! Lol he held them to ransom - when I did four solid weeks 100% SS he gave them back - I was so attached to the stupid thing that it worked to refocus my mind ... you can imagine what comes next: he had actually cured me of my need to hop on the scales every morning post-wee
I can't wait to do some aerobics or something, but I'm not trying to induce a 'cardiac event' so I'll have to wait until I'm in the 17s and my body is a bit more used to the reduced calories ... My sister liked Gillian Michaels, but I so want to try 'Slim In 6' (that's what you get for watching infomercials) but can't find anyone I know that's used the DVDs!
I'm raising an imaginary shake and wishing you another brill 100% day xx
Oh you will see the big changes ... and soon!
I totally understand the urge to weigh, weigh, weigh ... but you have to resist tell yourself you'll on check every 3 days as a treat (if you drive, put the scales in your boot - you won't fancy nipping out there first thing in the morning!); I was an obsessive 'weigher', the problem was little or no loss sent me into a tail spin, so my CDC at the time literally came to my home on a surprise visit and TOOK my scales!!!! Lol he held them to ransom - when I did four solid weeks 100% SS he gave them back - I was so attached to the stupid thing that it worked to refocus my mind ... you can imagine what comes next: he had actually cured me of my need to hop on the scales every morning post-wee
I can't wait to do some aerobics or something, but I'm not trying to induce a 'cardiac event' so I'll have to wait until I'm in the 17s and my body is a bit more used to the reduced calories ... My sister liked Gillian Michaels, but I so want to try 'Slim In 6' (that's what you get for watching infomercials) but can't find anyone I know that's used the DVDs!
I'm raising an imaginary shake and wishing you another brill 100% day xx