Your doing brilliantly and your motivation is rubbing off on me tooI love what your hubby said atleast it was a lot politer then what my hubs said xxxxx
YAYYYYYY TOTM finally arrived! Always good.. Mines just going now thank god it wasn't great this month. Lovely having hubby say that. Always makes you feel better. My boyfriend now loves picking me up and squatting with me now lmao!!! Funny isn't it. I would NEVER of let him pick me up but now I know i'm not 50lbs heavier. xxx
Vita it's a magical feeling to have your OH do that, can't wait till hubby can do it again![]()
Hope your having a good week so far ?
x x x x
Angel, reading your comments is like an insight into my mind! For, me - the maintenance is so crucial, but I too am considering the whole hypnosis thing - For me, the main part of moving forward is weighing ingredients and measuring them, balancing meals properly and cooking for two, not three (me being the extra person!) I've also started doing mindful shopping - when I go out, i'm learning to walk past the cakes/biscuits/crisps without looking at them (usually, lustfully!) When I pay for fuel, I am learning to not pay attention to all of the crap next to the till. My CDC reckons society is trying to make us fat. Supermarkets often have fruit and veg first, but a standing section with bread/cakes in. Offers on the end of aisles are so often full of cakes and crisps, and don't even get me started with petrol stations. I mean, we don't really need to have those chocolate bars next to the till do we?! I am a complete sucker for the reduced section see - they're trying to make us fat! xx
Oh WPW, if you think that's bad, see the epic ramble on my log! I thought i'd better depart from Angels, before I was kicked off for good! haha. xx
Oh WPW, if you think that's bad, see the epic ramble on my log! I thought i'd better depart from Angels, before I was kicked off for good! haha. xx
We're all in it together lol
Off to have a look at yours now x x
NeverWe're all in it together lol Off to have a look at yours now x x