Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Afternoon all, sorry not been on much but busy few days, friend appears to be very proactive in drinking lots of water already to get used to it. She has also cut down on the crabs so fingers crossed she's as motivated as she needs to be.
We go tomorrow after 4pm. I don't think I will get weighed as i wanted my next one to be in the 13's but I will get measured.

I'm sailing along nicely although not the drop on the scales I wanted just yet so fingers crossed it appears by Monday to get me into the 13's.
my new jeans arrived today size 16 :) Very very happy as during the summer I was wearing 22 / 20 jeans. My top half is always slower with the drops so I don't worry about that as much.

Looking forward to my few days way with hubby, we sail from here Monday at 5 and arrive in Amsterdam around 10am the next morning, 6 hours there before we sail back. We go several times a year so it's long enough for us plus the main part for us is the nice cabin, the executable lounge and a nice meal and drinks both ways . . . . All in all just a lovely peaceful break.

I've been busy today doing the tree etc, not as happy with it as my usual one as its smaller but our house is tiny so I guess in reality it's better than the bigger one. I also bought a bargain " pop " up tree for our small hall way, not everyone's cup of tea and a bit tacky but I actually quite like the tackiness of it lol








Lots of little bits dotted around but although the pop up tree and the signs are a touch tacky I don't go OTT although some would say I do lol.

Anyway another day just sailing along and hope everyone is doing great with another weekend upon us we now have less than 4 weeks until Xmas which is rather scary . . . . . The time just goes far to fast.

Have a fab weekend one & all x x x
Afternoon all

Just waiting for friend so we can go to see CDC, my scales were kind this morning but not so kind now I've had over 3litre of water etc :-(

Not sure if I will weigh officially today or just get measured.
I have over 3 weeks if products so this will be my last official visit until the new year and I will then have to fave the music of a relaxed Dec but I feel far better than had I not have started so a minor gain won't phase me too much.
Will let you all know how I get on with the scales / measuring.

Hope everyone is having a fab weekend :)
Evening ladies :)

super happy, I've weighed in at 13.12 ! Most importantly I'm in the 13's :) :) :)

Thats just over a 3st loss so far :)

Super happy, My new goal is 11.13 by April 2015.
My friend collected a weeks worth of products and is very motivated so fingers crossed we can spur eachother along.

I also bought another other week and now have enough products until after the Xmas period.

No weigh in now until Jan which is scary but kind of exciting, not that I would dream of a loss but a small gain from now till then I will be able to cope with.
Ive tried the mushroom risotto this evening and rather quite enjoyed it.
Nothing much else to report today.



I've dusted off my walking shoes and set my alarm, I'm going for a walk with hubby at 7am, maybe 5 miles or so, I shall track it on my fitness pall. I know with going away this week things could easily slide so a walk here and there will help minimise the damage.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far :)


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Morning lovelies,

0640 and I'm just about to head out for my " walk " with hubby, super excited ( I must be mad )

Will track it on my phone and update later, just hope I don't need to send him to get the car to collect me lol

Happy Sunday ! ! !
An amazing loss in sure a small time frame.
Yes you made it to the 13s - well done :). Hope you have a good walk and a great trip to Amsterdam. Enjoy it
Thanks everyone,

I'm on a roll !


Walked JUST under 9 miles, 2hr 46 and over 1200 kcal burned !
In going to try to walk like this more often to counteract / minimise any potential gain,

Very pleased with the walk and now I've defrosted I'm off for a shower before a day of wrapping ( prezzies not dodgy music lol )

Thanks again for all of the support x x x
In the 13 s , gee , this must feel great . wow you walked alot there Kat , how are your legs now ? your getting your oldself back !!
Love the black xmas tree ! what music did you have on lol . i always feel music helps switch your mood on diets .
Enjoy your trip !
Into the 13s and a 9 mile walk-get you! Had a sneaky weigh on my scales this morning and have lost 2 more lbs - so thats 4 on mine since wednesday . Doing a happy dance here - Had to share with you as no one else would understand!!
Wow! Amazing what can happen on a thread literally in 48 hours or so! Great news on being in the 13 bracket that is fab!
Love the Christmas trees and decorations! Your sooo organised! And it sounds to me you are back in the walking Zone! I recall last time you really got into walking miles every week and it helped to build your stamina as well as losing the weight. So very happy for you!
Thanks ladies . . . Super pleased and now seven more gutted to have so many off plan days in Dec but the walking should help minimise the damage ( I hope )

As you know I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow with hubby and shall blooming well enjoy it but not go wild, home Wed but then away Fri to Monday again so this week is going to be dire ! ! !

My friend has found her first day ok so it will be good to have a real life buddy lol

Hope everyone is doing ok ?

Will catch up Wed x x x
Evening ladies :) super happy, I've weighed in at 13.12 ! Most importantly I'm in the 13's :) :) :) Thats just over a 3st loss so far :) Super happy, My new goal is 11.13 by April 2015. My friend collected a weeks worth of products and is very motivated so fingers crossed we can spur eachother along. I also bought another other week and now have enough products until after the Xmas period. No weigh in now until Jan which is scary but kind of exciting, not that I would dream of a loss but a small gain from now till then I will be able to cope with. Ive tried the mushroom risotto this evening and rather quite enjoyed it. Nothing much else to report today. <img src=""/> <img src=""/> I've dusted off my walking shoes and set my alarm, I'm going for a walk with hubby at 7am, maybe 5 miles or so, I shall track it on my fitness pall. I know with going away this week things could easily slide so a walk here and there will help minimise the damage. Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far :)

Whoop whoop! That's fantastic angel well done! :) xx

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Hey Angel,

Just catching up with you after my weekend away!

Wow - love the decorations
Wow - incredible loss and you've made it to the 13s! :)
Wow - the walking! Get you!

Hope you've been having a fab time in Amsterdam, and you've been better behaved than I was...

Looking forward to "seeing" you back.

Hi everyone,

Had a great couple of days, two major problems, nothing fits yayyyyyyyyyyyy

Central hearing broke booooooooooooooooo


Mixed food one evening :)


Seafood the next, didn't manage all if the salmon, my eyes are still bigger than my belly !

Not as much drink as usual but still a hefty gain on the scales this morning :-(
Fingers crossed it's gone as fast as it appeared as I have another busy 3 nights away at the weekend !

On the plus side I feel so much better and 1000 % in control, straight back on the wagon today. No matter what happens this month I'm 3 stone lighter than I was and January will be another fresh start although I'm certainly not using that as a excuse to go wild this month.

Hope everyone is going ok ?
I will catch up once hearing is sorted and my fingers defrost x x x
Well done you amazing one on your stellar efforts on your trip away. I did NOT do so well - see my log for lots of self-deprecating waffle.

Hope the heating's sorted soon.

Feeling vile, bloated and a very sore tummy, 2 mugs of slimatee as I know I need a clear out ( TMI ) Even though I made good choices I still feel pants ( not guilt ) just bloated and uncomfy ! ! ! Fingers crossed the slimatee helps. I'm not going to weigh from now until Friday, on the plus side all of my clothes are to big and I'm going to have to stop buying jeans and stick with leggings as jeans are literally only lasting a matter of weeks before they are baggy and loose. It's my favourite side effect of the plan lol Here are some photos from the couple of days away,





lots of fab compliments on my FB page obviously more people are noticing now and I love it ! ! Going to have the risotto this evening with a spoon of curry powder, can't flipping wait :)
Hi everyone, I'm new! Tried starting last week but had zero self control and had a macdonalds a few days ago. I know...
Hoping to do this 100% now. I'm 5ft1 and weigh 10st6 and I'm doing SS+. No actual goal weight in mind. Just want to look healthy and not so flabby everywhere!

Trying this new risotto for the first time- vile. Terribly salty and actually disgusting!

I also tried the mousse this morning- loved it!

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Well done you have done fantastically well and your looking great xxx