Brilliant! You're back in the next stone bracket! Well done! Love your commitment and planning and it's defintely influencing me this time to stick with it and plan ahead myself and commit myself! Just reading your enthusiastic and positive posts is uplifting! You look fab in those pics as you are lovely long legs! As a shorty I'm so jealous! X
Hey! Half a pound is half a pound! And it keeps you firmly on the 13's?
i think its it's great your friend Fiona is doing CWP as whilst there is competition at least it's out in the open and she's sharing her journey and supporting you and totally understands the challenges, determination and committment needed for this.
What I found when I had a friend dieting (she did 5:2) there was a competitive element but not supportive competition as it was almost a clandestine weightloss journey with us both doing our own plan but not discussing it yet obviously we were losing weight if that makes sense? I think what you have with your friend Fiona is much better.
Evening all, not a bad little shift, just down to York and back so no issues other than feeling like a block of ice waiting for my train back from York.
Another 100% SS day, its been a minty day, mint shake this morning hot then a mint bar and another hot mint shake this evening.
Just over 3.5 litre of water / herbal tea ( no coffee today )
Feeling pretty darn good as a couple of people at worked asked if I had lost weight and a few others said I was looking well
( polite way of saying about my weight loss lol )
I was 13.13 and a quarter this morning but jumped on the scales after my shower this evening and they showed 13.12![]()
Fingers crossed it says that in the morning and I will log that as my 1st Jan weigh in as I like a Monday weigh in.
I'm not holding my breath as Mother Nature will appear any day now ( due today ) and I usually have a slight gain so fingers crossed she lets me have my moment on the scales in the morning before she arrives.
Not a great deal else to log except my moods today are awful, I can feel myself being snappy with hubby for no reason other than he is a manI know its not Cambridge but PMT but I do thing my moods have got worse whilst I've been on plan . . Does anyone else find this ?
Hope everyone survived the weekend and here's to another fab week for all of us !
Onwards and downwards as tomorrow is 12 weeks until my 1st holiday of the year![]()
Morning Kira, morning allWeigh in and at last I'm back to my pre Xmas weight of 13.12 ( and a quarter lol ) <img src=""/> Super happy with that considering its TOTM and it could have been a slight water gain. Here goes . . . . . . Last Monday I weighed in at 14.10. That was after 2 very naughty days so I don't think it was a true reading if that makes sense. For the January challenge I set my start weight at 14.02 which is what I feel would have been a more accurate weight ( I had never been as high as 14.10 for weeks ) To be 13.12 today going from the 14.02 gives me a loss of - 4 which I think is more accurate, like I say I'm quite happy with that and hope for a little more of a drop prior to the weekend. Hope everyone has a happy Monday, keep up the great work everyone