Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Well it's officially Day 12 :)

The days are indeed flying by and I do have loads more energy but am also sleeping better if that makes sense.
My mouth does constantly taste vile but I can more than put up with that as my tummy has shrunk and my face is a lot less bloated already :)

I did have a negative nelly at work yesterday who asked " are you back on THAT stupid diet " good job I'm thick skinned and informed her yes I am but due to " that stupid diet " I lost 11lb in my 1st week " She's a WW fanatic so I guess that's her bible. Thank god Cambridge I'd the plan for me as I know the weight comes off so much faster this way and I'm not the most patient of people lol.

Heading to work AGAIN soon but a earlier shift so all being well I should be home by around 22hr for a early night and a nice walk with the hubby in the morning. I need it as a cheeky peak at the scales and not a good drop YET. Thankful my weigh In is Tue so I still have time. I know by now never to lose faith. I've been 100 % and the drop will come.

Have a good Sat everyone PLEASE don't ruin all your hard work just because it's the weekend ! ! !
Oooh, good response to that WW adherent at work! It's amazing how people fail to realise that (a) they're being rude, and (B) no one actually wants to hear their opinion. So cheeky.

Yes, you'll get a good drop on Tuesday, and you're totally right, we all have to be vigilant and hold fast to 100% SS even though it's the weekend. Have a great day hon xx
Well it's officially Day 12 :)

The days are indeed flying by and I do have loads more energy but am also sleeping better if that makes sense.
My mouth does constantly taste vile but I can more than put up with that as my tummy has shrunk and my face is a lot less bloated already :)

I did have a negative nelly at work yesterday who asked " are you back on THAT stupid diet " good job I'm thick skinned and informed her yes I am but due to " that stupid diet " I lost 11lb in my 1st week " She's a WW fanatic so I guess that's her bible. Thank god Cambridge I'd the plan for me as I know the weight comes off so much faster this way and I'm not the most patient of people lol.

Heading to work AGAIN soon but a earlier shift so all being well I should be home by around 22hr for a early night and a nice walk with the hubby in the morning. I need it as a cheeky peak at the scales and not a good drop YET. Thankful my weigh In is Tue so I still have time. I know by now never to lose faith. I've been 100 % and the drop will come.

Have a good Sat everyone PLEASE don't ruin all your hard work just because it's the weekend ! ! !

You're doing so well!! My old job I have every female at the office griping at me telling me how unhealthy this diet is, on one occasion whilst sat eating McDonalds!!! Another couple of the girls told me I should "got to the gym like them" and not be on a stupid diet. Turns out one had tried lipotrim for 3 days and failed then when I left tried s&s and failed again. It's jealously that we have the will power to do it and they see the weight coming off very quickly. I used it as motivation.

So excited for your weigh in a Tues xxx
Thanks girls :)

I'm working with another sour face today so shall keep myself to myself as I'm on a spare job so not with my usual crew.
Couple of hours in London so may do a limited small shopping spree in st Pancras lol any excuse to shop lol .
I don't know how much of my Silver Diary you've read, but I started this year on Cambridge, lost 3 stones, lost the plot :rolleyes: went into denial, signed up for Rosemary Conley and lasted less than a week, read "Beyond Chocolate", read "Health at Any Size" (a fascinating read, actually), read a whole lot of other stuff about fat acceptance, and abandoned dieting "forever"...

Regained 4 stones. :sigh: :) Now doing S&S (after a brief stint at 5:2) and feeling 100% better.

But the reason behind me writing all that is that, having done all that reading, I can categorically tell you that going to the gym will not make you lose weight. And thinner people are not necessarily healthier than fatter people--in fact often, thin people have terrible diets that they can feel virtuous about because they're thin. Harrumph. Whether you're fat or thin mostly depends on genetics and hormones, not whether you eat healthily and exercise. If WW actually worked, the company would be out of business. So... :)

VLCDs work. When you've got a lot of weight to lose they're about the only thing that do, because losing a pound a week when you're already morbidly obese (as I was, last time I weighed) is not enough to keep you motivated. The idea that it'll take you a year to lose 3 stones when you've got more than 6 stones to lose is just horrible. That's why conventional dieting keeps you fat (in my opinion). How on earth are you supposed to keep going that long??

The only diet that'll work is a diet you can stick to. It ain't any more complicated than that. :)
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Ah shopping! I am the queen of shopping. Alas none for me this weekend as I spent £££ in The White Company last week- I absolutely love their dresses. And tops. And throws. And cashmere stuff. Oops!

Good to hear you're still on plan. I've done a spin class this morning and am now eating my ( late ) breakfast of bran flakes, pear, apricots and yogurt. Tonight though I'm having sweet potato chips, goats cheese tart and salad followed by coconut and raspberry pudding so probably a good idea I'm spinning again tomorrow

Have a good day
Not ignoring post but I want to scream !

I've left my products at home so nothing for me now until 10pm, last shake was at 10 this morning !

Not hungry so that's not a problem but I could kick myself ! ! ! ! !

Plenty water & green tea thank goodness x
Hi hunni, I can't flipping wait until I'm 12 st ( I was this time last year ) your doing amazing and will have a fab loss when you weigh in on Friday x x x

Is it wrong that I'm nearly more excited about your weigh in than I am about my own,hahaha...

Have a great weekend,enjoy your walk tomorrow-I remember that you literally walked your butt off last time-doesn't even seem like exercise when you enjoy it so much.

Ive signed up for the squat challenge over on S and S-Oh dear....what have I done????Anything to get a J Lo bum :):):)
Not ignoring post but I want to scream !

I've left my products at home so nothing for me now until 10pm, last shake was at 10 this morning !

Not hungry so that's not a problem but I could kick myself ! ! ! ! !

Plenty water & green tea thank goodness x

that is rubbish but i have not the slightest fear of you cracking, and just think of your sumptuous late night supper, ooohhh take just one product at a time, not me!
Damn. I've had that .... It's closing the stable door after the horse had bolted, but I always had a couple in my locker (or a Tetra stuffed in a sandwich bag in my handbag - actually forgot It D there once) and replenished at the start of every week.

Okay. Here's where your positive mental attitude is going to get you through this. Did I read you're in London today? Does your CWPC know of anyone locally who you can grab a spare from (yes, I've done that! Us Cambridge lot are brilliant when the chips are down!). Or contact Lawrence on Dual Dynamics and beg him to meet you somewhere (he'd try, or have clients who may be local to you) - maybe have a green tea now?

Stay hydrated love, you won't feel hungry, but try to preempt feeling shaky.

I feel for you; but you can do this and I know you won't break SS.

Big hugs and kisses ..... We're all rooting for you to stay feeling full (or at least not hungry!) xxxxxxx
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Angel,hope you've survived...don't give Greta says an Atkins bar/Slimfast shake is your best option...,if not just protein-it's an emergency but it's a test of your resolve too!

Hope you got sorted x
Hi all,

just in from work.

Shower and had a choc orange shake ( hot ) I didn't have anything at work except water. No way would I cave in, I'm here for the next 35 days SS, no getting rid of me yet lol.

Will read through all your posts in a mo but wanted to let you all know I'm ok. I used to keep a spare shake in my work bag and will have to pop one in for emergency purposes.

My next dilemma is do I still have my 3rd product even though I've just had my 2nd and am not hungry in the slightest ?

I may have 4 tomorrow to even it out.

Weather here in the North East is pants this evening but I'm still 99% sure I'm going to get out for a walk in the morning.

Will track it on map my walk and pop it into MFP. Will be out early so will post after.

Hope everyone has had a great day x
Officially yes have the third product.

What I would do is not bother and just start tomorrow as a normal day. However that's just my own viewpoint : )

Glad you survived! Just keep a couple of bars to hand for future just in case
You're just fab for not caving in ( although I'm not advocating literally starving yourself ).

As Greta says the official line is have the shake but read the rest of the advice too-she's very knowledgable,our Gretagrip....think she knows what she's talking about!!!

Put it this way,there may be a day when you need 4 packs instead of 3,it won't do too much damage either.

I'm really impressed with your determination x

Total walk this morning 8.44 miles :)

Between 900 and 1200kcal burned but hard to say as the wind made the walk a lot harder.

I didn't have the 3rd product last night but will have it today as I'm in a very late shift.

I don't have bars yet but I do have a " freebie " one she gave me so I may pop it in my work bag just for an emergency.

Feeling tip top and looking forward to weigh in.

I've had normal clothes on today instead of my uniform and I can certainly see a difference and my hubby and daughter both say they can see so I'm very pleased.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend x x x


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absolutely brilliant, proud proud proud! jx

When I heard the wind this morning I wasn't going to bother but if I don't bother I will just end up bigger and bigger so off we went. Thankfully my hubby loves walking ( he's a bin man ) so he walks miles and miles each day and likes to keep it up on a weekend.
I'm so pleased I went as I would have felt bad all day. Just need to consult my diary to see when I can fit another one in.

Tuesday is my 1st day off for 14 days :-(
The family are coming for tea so I'm doing mince and dumplings which they all love.
Tue is Also my weigh day so I should still be buzzing and won't be tempted in the slightest.

Hope your doing ok x x x