Oh :wow:...congrats, what an achievement...you should be so proud of yourself, I don't really know you and I am proud as punch of you

Thanks hun I appreciate that, I am sure they will do well with my encouragemet.
Oh and update, I have finally persuaded hubby to give it another go, we had a chat just after I left you the post above ^^^ and he says he really wants to but he is so worried he'll find it hard and we'll argue (a lot more than normal), told him I was prepared for that and then played the guilt card (well it's all in a good cause). Our youngest daughter is getting married 25th August 2012, i told him she wants him to walk her down the aisle and not stink of smokes, plus our granddaughter is a chronic asthmatic, told him that even though he smokes outside when he comes in he is still giving off carbon monoxide and she breaths it in (so do I and it's horrible) when he walks in the room, so he might just as well smoke around her as he's doing just as much harm...so fingers crossed he sticks with it ...he has enough baccy to last till tomorrow so he will start after that has gone, can't persuade him to throw it in the bin lol...but it's a start I am pleased lol xx