Princess how much have u got to lose?? xx
I started at 13.5 I am currently 12.5 this is my 4th week and my goal is 10 stone
Princess how much have u got to lose?? xx
I started at 13.5 I am currently 12.5 this is my 4th week and my goal is 10 stoneXx
Yes I've seen that one. I promise not to spoil though! Xx
Think there's a new kne coming tho keep eyes peeled x
Ooh I need to watch out for that!
Hey peoples! Just a quick note from a super hot Turkey as the Internet / wifi connection is ropey. Hope you're all well and getting on great guns this week. Here is fabulous. Super relaxing and whilst I may have put on a pound or two, I've not gone nuts. Fruit and yoghurt for brekkie. Loads of salad with a few bits of meat (chicken, Turkish kebab, tuna, fish, etc) for lunch and same again for dinner. I've had two or three onion rings and one ice cream! Shocker. Add to that, not gone nuts with drink either. Few glasses of wine, few beers. But loads (and loads) of water and walking miles. 46 degrees this afternoon :0
Good girl getting it checked out is wise.Just so you all know my knee is feeling quite a lot better today but I am going to see the physio next week anyway I think I'd go back to doing too much too quickly otherwise!
Have also made a decision and ordered a damn microwave god this has stressed me out for weeks lol x
Lizz, where are you??? Hope everything going well with the move and your glugging your water (but not too much)!!! Tigg definitely best to get some Physio it's obv not right and u don't want to leave it till it's a major problem!!! Autumn -- your shopping like a Tink ;-) xx
Evening ladies and lad! Ian, went to turkey once and I nearly died with the heat.. I have very Irish skin I.e. Casper the friendly ghost. Hope it isn't too hot for you! Well done on the control of food and drinks! I am laughing at the Wimbledon (how appropriate) related no 2 talk. I'm feelin the tennis ball at the mo. boo! On the good note had a bit of a drop in the scales this am, presumably as TOTM is making itself scarce! Heading away tomor for the wkend, bringing all products and blender with me so plan on being strict all weekend! Weigh in Monday so gotta behave. Tigg! Size 8!! Can we swap bodies, even for a little bit... I want to know what it feels like!well done you!
I'm actively nervous about being weighed tomorrow. Step three doesn't seem to suit me. Having said that maybe it just need a couple of weeks run in to make a difference?!? Anyway Wimbledon is still a no show and I'm sure it'll affect me tomorrow am! Oh well more water...