Peas in a pod we are woman! Lol xx
currently running studies in glucose monitoring (icu patients)Oh interesting on any particular subject? X
I'm over it now just need ketosis to come ASAP xx
And it'll appear v soon I'm sure! I'm trying to be 100% after too much sh1te today, my body is resisting the food!xx
currently running studies in glucose monitoring (icu patients) lots of office work with a few hospital visits sam
Hello everyone! Sorry for not being round much today. I was dealing with a fire! Anyway. Are we all doing well? I'm knackered but am catching up with the Tour de France and then I think I'll head over for a swim. Though I might just snooze!!! Xxx
lol I like nosy - most people dont know what I do!!Oh cool im a dr u see so was being nosy x
Hi guys Sorry to hear the bad news dietwise. Lizz it's 500cals so not the end of the world, autumn you resisted the peanut butter and Sam you did really well given the situation at the weekend. My binges tend to be about 2000 cals! Take away and crisps and wine til I pass out with the food baby. Look at where you were last year in terms of pigging out vs now. I had my weigh in tonight and was down three even with the popcorn sat night. She asked me what I would have got at the cinema a month ago. I said big full fat coke, big bucket of popcorn and a bag of sweets or chocolate. She said that was about 5 times the cals at least so I've stopped beating myself up about it. Onwards and upwards. She didn't have any of the fibre stuff so going to have to sort something else out. She suggested putting a fibogel in the shake so that might be an option. I have to try and get some tomorrow.
what a great idea!!!I've been in a nighty since 4-15 to stop me going shop for food lol. Xx
what a great idea!!!
I know!!! It was a last minute trip to be honest as my daughter been saving to get an iPod and after her party on Saturday she's finally got enough - so we were going to go mk to get it but their apple store shuts at 6pm on Monday hence the trip to the bullring!! I go on Saturday - same as Autumn but will be coming off the diet on Friday as I have a meal out arranged!! I'm in the 17s today so I did it yay!! Give it a few days Lizz I think you'll prob find that step 3 will suit you better! Don't go too heavy on the exercise your body need to adjust to the different steps in its own time aswell - your meal plan looks extremely busy don't forget to live and enjoy yourself aswell as it's all pointless if it's getting too much!!! Also listen to your body lovely if they are aching then your body is trying to let you know something you don't wanna end up with an injury!! Oooh meant to say how lovely your nandos is in the bullring - prob the best I've been too xx
I have a meal out Friday too for cousins 30th omg I need to collect cake balloons flowers the lot and I've done my back in. Have ordered small steak and green salad for my mealDon't wanna be on codiene long term on this diet will be more bunged up than ever nevermind the pain x