had a try of step 3 today to see if i could get into it for my week away and really enjoyed eating a bit of fruit and yogurt, also managed 2.5 l of water today plus coffees and went out for a run with kids tonight instead of the gym which felt alot harder than running on the treadmill !! we did 3k in run and walk mix and really enjoyed it (well when it was over!! lol) off to pack for wales now! sam ps no movement on scales yet but definitely in need of a belt on my trousers!!
had a try of step 3 today to see if i could get into it for my week away and really enjoyed eating a bit of fruit and yogurt, also managed 2.5 l of water today plus coffees and went out for a run with kids tonight instead of the gym which felt alot harder than running on the treadmill !! we did 3k in run and walk mix and really enjoyed it (well when it was over!! lol) off to pack for wales now! sam ps no movement on scales yet but definitely in need of a belt on my trousers!!
wow well done dont be miffed 1lb is nothing that will easily be gone just enjoy the size 8/10 s !!!!Another 1.5lbs off this week. Going to weigh in tomorrow but I know I'm not going up drop that last pound over night. Feel a little miffed I guess but while I eat my cd porridge and berries in my tiny size 10 skirt I know I can't complain too much
Happy weekend everybody. Had a Loveky walk today to janets Foss with the dogs and there was an agricultural fayre too. Managed to side step the homemade pie mash n peas jay was eating and he's had 5 pints and we've not even gone to dinner yet hahaha. Bigger walk planned tomorrow and a dry sunny day so looking forward to that. Hope everyone's have a good time in Wales Getting ready for Barbados Or staying home whichever amigo u are. Oh bright omnibkend and jay says it sounds like I'm doing DIY in here lol xx
Oh my lord why is if when I have lots of time on my hands you are all non posting and soon as I'm missing jn action for 24 hours you all post and takes me a day to catch up lol.
Sam my scales haven't moved since last Friday when I started exercising and step 2 so I wouldn't panic. I've for weigh in today but it's a 2 week weigh so am hoping for a decent loss and inches in that period.
So the wedding was tiring to say the least and this is how it went.
Weds Night- arrived 8pm to find a Chinese banquet for 20 ordered plus 5 large domino pizzas and only 14 people including us there and small kiddies. I didn't have any and comments were made about me not eating even tho jay didn't eat either (we had our step 2 and for him normal meal before going) and the bride whose a size 6 also didn't eat but clearly ghats ok grrrr.
Went to bed feeling naffed off and ate a few rowntrees randoms. Luckily only a couple and didn't go over 800 cals
Thurs - moved rooms into the main building and there was a block of milka chocolate there winking at me which I was alone with for 3 hours. Soon as I saw jay I shoved it all in his mouth lol. Had a tetra in morning and was glugging water too got through ceremony and champagne reception on sparkling water and had another tetra at 4. Then was wedding breakfast. Ate a tiny bit of smoked salmon about 5cmx5cm squared. And ribbons of cucumber palmed the rest off on my 1 yr old nephew Jos who loved it lol. Main meal was guinea fowl (just like chicken) crushed new pots green beans and carrots. I took skin off ate the meat and green beans and palmed rest off again to jos lol. Dessert girls were given strawberry and black pepper cheesecake thing and boys a panacotta with strawberries on top. So I swopped with my bro in law sat next to me ate the berries as I know they're low carb and cal and had 2 teaspoons of panacotta and made other brother In law eat rest lol. Oh there was also a raspberry sorbet inbetween course which Jos got given too lol. Then I felt guilty over then panacotta and then I ate a few sweets from the sweet cart (about 6) then I was feeling weak mentally then tinks told me ever so politely to man the FECK up which I did. Supper was huge back. Butties and I had a tiny rasher of bacon (new was low carb and cal) and then got to room at 10pm. Had my bar and a bit of jays lemon cake and choc cake (wedding cake) and 5 litres of water during day.
So it could have been worse could have been better and scales haven't moved so that's a bonus. In work shattered and glugging water and 1 product in me. Hoping to go to the gym tonight and then away In the morning walking all weekend doing one of the three peaks and a few other flatter walks too and PT booked for Monday evening.
So on that note now I've written an essay I shall go pop out an appendix and hopefully be soon done for the day as been here since 7am lol xx
Well done on the resistance. Hope dinner is good! Sounds like you're having a good weekend Autumn! Home and been for a light jog and got wet. That has been my day. I'm on call so can't go far. I have done lots of housework though! Not the most exciting weekend. But I am not on call on bank holiday so hoping the forecast for rain is wrong and I get to go out cycling for the day! Off to see a house tomorrow. Hope we love it!!! Xxx
You've done soooo well!!! I have a wedding to go to next week... 4 day invite, meals on thurs, fri,sat,sun,.. Been dreading it but you've given me hope that i can stay on track n not completely lose the plot!
4 days goodness. This was meant to be a 2 week affair in Dubai which due to brides mum ill health became a 3 day affair instead n we managed to get out of a full day and half of it lol. Good luck and just find someone else to Palm everything off to it's a great feeling lol xx
I have a 10 month old ive decided will sit with me n ill be palming it of to her n entertaining her!! If i make excuses not to eat (was gonna say mouth ulcer) itll just raise eyebrows n ill Just get forced to eat. Ive had too many weekends of to have more days off!! I have 5 weeks left so need to really stay on track. Really been over thibking this but hoping i wont raise too much attention not eating'
Lol well my hubby's parents originate from Dubai and India although him and his 3 brothers all Lancashire boys born n bread. The bride is devil Yorkshire like me but more north east Newcastle way.
I just said I was fussy and kept giving it all to the nephew. Sis in law text me saying he's 1 and loves smoked salmon this could be costly lol
I had 2 weddings so far this year and am currently on my 5th holiday/break of the year with 2 more 1 week holidays planned too so can't have them all off of never get anywhere x
Haha i laughed at the smoked salmon comment from your sil!! My hubbys a northerner so ive had to move to the grim northmy mum and inlaws are indian, n my sister and brother both work out in dubai. Sis been there 10 years. Love the place! I know what you mean about having too Many breaks on the diet... I find it really hard to get back on and ive got to a point thst if i never had all those breaks is probably be at goal... But not too hard on myself as life happens! And seeing this as a journey!